THE ESSEX MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 345 which the Museum Maintenance Fund is established by individual members of the Club or other persons. The said annual contribution of Fity pounds shall commence as from the date of this Agreement. All such annual or other donations shall be carried by the Treasurer of the Club to a separate account to be called the "Museum Maintenance Fund" and the Club shall cause to be prepared and presented to the Corporation annually an account of all con- tributions receipts and payments to for and out of or on account of the said Fund. (8) THE Club will endeavour to raise by public subscription or other- wise in as short a time as may reasonably be possible a Fund to be called "The Museum Purchase Fund" and the amount of the Fund which the Club is so enabled to raise shall be applied in the purchase at the discretion of the Council of the Club of additions to the said general collection of articles and things of a nature hereinbefore mentioned to be comprised in such collection and for the obtaining of special expert assistance in determining and arranging collections and other expenses of a like nature which may be required in the Museum. (9) THE Club will as heretofore keep the said general collection and all additions thereto covered by Insurance against loss by fire and will apply any moneys received under such Insurance in replacing as far as possible such articles and things as shall be destroyed or damaged by fire. (10) THE Museum shall be primarily a local museum serving to illustrate in the most scientific and modern manner possible with the means at command the biology geology meteorology topography ethnology pre-historic and other antiquities agriculture fisheries manufactures industries of Essex and the neighbouring sea rivers and border lands. The Plan of the Museum may also include illustrations of local antiquities and views pictures maps of local interest as well as occasional loan collections and exhibitions. In addition to the purely local collections the Museum may contain as funds and space will permit an educational series of specimens and preparations and any objects serving to illustrate the history use or development of minerals rocks animals plants fossils and antiquities but in the selection and exhibition of such specimens the primary object of the Museum shall always be kept in view. Also the purely local character of the Museum shall be subject to the follow- ing exceptions :— (a) That specimens appertaining to classification anatomy development distribution et caetera of animals and plants fossils minerals antiquities need not necessarily be of Essex origin but may be specimens from any locality British or Foreign selected with the view of securing the best illustrations possible of the fact or principle desired to be elucidated. (b) That the Museum may contain specimens or collections of British or Foreign natural history geology antiquities provided that they are or can be preserved so that they may be kept in cabinets or otherwise entirely distinct from the Essex series and provided also that they do not limit or interfere with the primary objects of the Museum as a local collection. (11) IF within the period of twenty one years from the death of the survivor of the now living descendants of Her Majesty the Queen the Club