360 AN ANNUAL CONGRESS OR CONFERENCE OF "EAST ANGLIAN" NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETIES. " We be three counties—not shires ; the land of the North folk, the land of the South folk—Angles both, and the land of the East Saxons." Mr. D. Howard, Chairman of the Preliminary Conference. ON Saturday, July 23rd, 1898, an important meeting was held at Witham in connection with the Field Meeting in the Black Notley and Stisted districts (see Report of Meeting). It was in the nature of a Preliminary Conference between the scientific (natural history) societies of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex (grouped as a district which, for convenience, although of course incorrectly, we may term the "East Anglian" District), the object being to promote some scheme of friendly co-operative action among the societies, and with that intention to consider the establishment of an Annual Congress or Conference for the discussion of matters of mutual interest. Those concerned in such institutions are aware that the subject of federated action between societies in adjacent districts has attracted much attention in late years. The discus- sions at the Conferences of Delegates of the Corresponding Societies of the British Association have conduced to this end. In the "East Anglian" district the question has been alluded to by the then President of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, Sir Francis Boileau, F.L.S., F.S.A., in his Annual Address in 1897 {Trans. N. and N. Nat. Soc, vol. vi., p. 238); although the Ipswich Scientific Society does not publish, and is consequently not at present on the British Association list, the matter has been favourably discussed by their Committee, while the Essex Field Club has brought forward the question on several occasions, and has published papers relating to it including Prof. Boulger's article on "The Federation Ideal for Natural History Societies, with special reference to the Eastern Counties" (Essex Naturalist, vol. x., pp. 51-55). In response to the programme issued under the authority of the three societies, a large party assembled at the "Spread Eagle" Hotel at about 11 o'clock. The contingent from the