406 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Mr. and Mrs. Kenworthy entertained the party at tea in the National Schoolroom. Afterwards an Ordinary Meeting of the Club (the 181st) was held, Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the chair. The following were elected members:—Mr. Robert Colsell, Dr. Robert Jones, and Mr. D. J. Scourfield. Prof. Meldola proposed that a hearty vote of thanks should be given to the Rev. j. W. Kenworthy and Mrs. Kenworthy for their kindness in organising the meeting and for the hospitality shown that evening. Under the Vicar's guidance they had had an opportunity of seeing a most interesting district, and Mr. Kenworthy's efforts in seeking out and preserving so many- evidences of the presence of early man in the neighbourhood were worthy of the greatest praise. If they had more such observers in other parts of the County, the cause of science would be greatly benefitted. Mr. Kenworthy, in reply, said that it was a very pleasant day for him. He had looked forward to the visit of the Club, and he had had the greatest satisfaction in showing to his fellow members the results of his labours in the pits around Braintree. It was also a great pleasure to Mrs. Kenworthy and himself to entertain the Club at tea that afternoon. In the absence of the Author, Mr. Cole read a paper entitled: — "Observations on the Implement made from a Deer's Antler in the Museum of the Essex Field Club," by Mr. Edward Lovett (see ante p. 351). Mr. Kenworthy exhibited and remarked upon a collection of the bones of Pleistocene Mammalia, Mollusca, Palaeolithic "Flakes," &c, recently obtained by him at Clacton, Essex, from what appeared to be an extension of the Cromer " Forest-bed." Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S., also spoke concerning the collection and Mr, W. H. Dalton made some observations on the Geology of Clacton ; but all these observations will be most appropriately given when the specimens and their mode of occurrence is described in a future part of the Essex Naturalist. In responding to the vote of thanks, the Vicar said he should have much pleasure in presenting the whole of the Clacton "finds" to the Museum of the Club. The remainder of the evening was spent in further examination of Mr. Kenworthy's collections, and the members left Braintree by the 7.10 train for Witham Junction, SPECIAL MEETING AND 182ND ORDINARY MEETING. Tuesday, October 4TH, 1898. In accordance with notice a Special Meeting of the members of the Club was held in the rooms of the Essex County Council, 35, New Broad Street, E.C. (by kind permission ot the Chairman of the Council, Andrew Johnston, Esq.) at 6.30 o'clock, Mr. David Howard, President, in the chair. The Secretary having read the formal notice of the meeting. Mr. Howard gave a resume of the steps which had been taken by the Council since the Special Meeting on January 2nd last, with respect to the arrangement with