THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 407 Mr. Chancellor and those acting with him in connection with the goods at the Museum at Chelmsford, and also with respect to the agreement with the Corporation of West Ham. The President concluded by moving :— "That the first ten words in Rule xxv. be altered so as to read : "The Museum and Library shall be situated in Essex," and that consequent alterations be made throughout the Rules." Mr. F. H. Varley seconded the resolution. The Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma supported. The resolution was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. The President expressed the great satisfaction of himself and the Council that this matter which had so long occupied them had now been brought to a conclusion. The President then moved the resolution respecting the agreement with the Corporation of West Ham set out ante pages 343-46. Mr. Wilfred M. Webb seconded, and Mr. Chalkley Gould spoke in support. The resolution was carried unanimously. Mr. F. W. Elliott then moved :— "That the best thanks of the Club be accorded to Mr. H. I. Coburn, the Hon. Solicitor to the Club, and to Mr. W. C. Dare, the Hon. Counsel, for their great care and trouble taken in the various legal and other negotiations connected with the removal of the Museum from Chelmsford, and with the Agreement with the Borough of West Ham." Mr. Walter Crouch, VP,, seconded the resolution, which was carried unanimously. Mr. Coburn replied. The resolution of thanks to Mr. Passmore Edwards, set out on page 341 ante, was put by the President and seconded by Mr. Corcoran. It was carried unanimously amid applause. Mr. Chalkley Gould moved that:— "A cordial vote of thanks be given to the Secretary, Mr. W. Cole, for the great energy and care displayed in making the arrangements with the Corporation of West Ham, which had now been brought to so successful a conclusion.'' Mr. Avory seconded and the President strongly supported the resolution, which was carried unanimously. Mr. Cole replied. Mr. F. H. Varley proposed : "That a most cordial and grateful vote of thanks be given to the President for his great trouble and care taken in these difficult negotiations, and for the loyal support he had given to the Club and to the Secretary throughout. Mr. Alfred Lockyer seconded. Mr. Varley put the resolution, which was carried unanimously amid applause. Mr. Howard replied, and took occasion to thank the Technical Instruction Committee of the Corporation of West Ham for the wise and enlightened view they had taken in this matter. An Ordinary Meeting (the 182nd) was then held to elect a member. Mr. E. E. Hennesey, B.A., B.Sc, was elected a member of the Club. The meeting then ended.