416 NOTES----ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 1897 there was only one partial drought—viz., in October; whereas in 1898 there was a partial drought in January, and no less than three absolute droughts—viz., in July, August, and September. "The gauge is one foot above the ground and 365 feet above sea-level ; the diameter of funnel 5 inches:— "Partial drought from January 7th to February 4th, i.e., 29 days in which there fell .27in. rain. "Absolute droughts—(1) July 2nd—17th; 16 days. (2) August 9th—26th; 18 days. (3) August 30th—September 17th ; 19 days. Terling.—Mr. C. Boutflower, jun., of Terling Vicarage, sends to the County Chronicle figures showing that the amount of rainfall measured there during the past year was 18.88 inches. This fell on 142 days. The rainfall at Terling for the preceding four years was as under: —1894, 26.06 ins.; 1895, 18.66 ins. ; 1896, 25.82 ins. ; 1897, 26.58. Chelmsford.—Mr. F. Chancellor thus summarises his daily observations of rainfall at Chelmsford in 1898 :— "It will be seen that we are 53/4 inches below the average for the last 30 years—viz., 22.98." See E.N. ante p. 238.