INDEX TO VOLUME X. Abnormal Flowers of Lychnis and Chrysanthemum, 142 Acipenser sturio at Maldon, 335 Agreement between Corporation of West Ham and the Essex Field Club, 343 "Aggressive resemblance" in a Spider, 372 Agriculture in Essex, 64 Albatross at Linton, on the Essex border, 188 Alga;, Freshwater, a sketch of their structure, distribution, and relation- ship, 129, 159 Algae, Marine, Colouring Matters of, 227 Allen, W., Essex Characeae, 190 Alterations in Rules, 255, 406 Amphydasis prodromaria in February, 294 Annual Congress of " East Anglian " Natural History Societies, 336,360 Annual Meetings, 13, 256 Annual Reports of Council (1896), 16 ; (1897) 246 Anser cinereus near Broxbourne, 234 Antlers of Red Deer used as food, 187 Arctia caja, Dark variety of, at Shen- field, 61 Asio otus breeding in Essex, 139 Aspen, growth of, in Forest, 230 Assundum, battle of, 130 "Atlantic to the Pacific," lecture by Prof. Meldola, 232 Avery, ]., Exhibits Saxon's map of Essex, 410 ; query respecting Mudge's Map of Essex, 255 Badgers at South Ockendon and Billericay, 290 Barrett, Charles G., Protection of Insects in danger of Extermination, 180 Bateman, J., Introduction of the Tinamu into Essex, 335 Beetles, trap for 141 Benham, W. G., drawing of Clift subsidence at Walton, 236 Bernicula brenta near Broxbourne, 234 Bigods near Dunmow, Countess of Warwick's Village Science School at, 376 ; visit to, 185 Billericay, Badger at, 290 Bird slaughter, 188 Birds of Epping Forest, 56; Protec- tion of in Essex, 56, 133, 274 ; Spring arrivals of, 293 Black-headed Gulls in Essex ; a visit to, 388 Boring for Coal in Essex, 296 Boulger, Prof., Federation ideal for Natural History Societies, 51; Plant companionship (Symbiosis), 170,176; On extermination of plants, 182 ; Newspaper science, 191 ; Growth of Aspen in the Forest, 231; reads paper on Ray's Contemporaries in Biology, 403 Bonskell, Frank, Notice of paper by, on Disappearance of certain Insects, 64 Bowers Gifford, Golden Orioles at, 60, 139 Braintree, Saponaria Vaccaria at, 373; . Pre-historic relics from, Exhibition of, 405 Branfill, General. Badger at Billericay, 290 Brentwood, Earthquake of December 17th, 1896, felt at, 64 ; Chaerocampa elpenor at, 189 ; Strix juvencus at, 189 ; Ophrys apifera at, 374