iv INDEX TO VOLUME X. Brightlingsea, Otter at, 233; Sirex gigas at, 371 Briscoe, A. E., vote of thanks to, 410 British Association Reports of Con- ference of Delegates, 1897, 284 ; do, 1898, 393 British Museum of Natural History; Statue of Sir R. Owen in, 144, Whale gallery at, 334 Britton, C. E., Epping Forest Plants, 61 Brown, John, on a M.S. of, 288 Broxbourne, Otter at, 59; Grey Lag Goose, and Brent Goose at, 234 Bulford, Saponaria Vaccaria at, 373 Buxton, E.N., Vote of thanks to, 15, 23; Heronry in Wanstead Park, 292 Camp at Uphall, 374 Camp, ancient, supposed, at Mount House. Braintree, 405 Cattle-bell, used in Epping Forest, presentation of, 369 Centipede, new to England, at Col- chester, 371 Choerocampa elpenor at Kelvedon, 189 Chalk, " Fresh-water " at Halstead, 213 Characeae, Essex, 190 Chelmsford, on relics of early man in the neighbourhood of, 305 Christy, Miller, notice of paper on Primula elatior in Britain, 142 ; Two interesting Primula plants, 307 ; Lathyrus nissolia in Essex, 336 Chrysanthemum, abnormal flowers of, 142 Coal, Boring for, in Essex, 9, 136,296 " Coast Lackey " Moth, on Essex Coast, in 1897, 141 Colchester, the meteorology of, 239 ; Sirex gigas at 371 ; Centipede new to England at, 371; Mayor of, entertains the Club, 403 Cole, Henry A, Original drawings, " The mouth of the Colne,Evening, 224 ; " The Pyefleet river,Evening, plate, 227; " Dredging up Brood Oyster in the Colne, Morning," frontispiece; "View on Mersea," 228 Cole, W., Birds of Epping Forest 56 ; Reports on Protection of Birds in Essex, 56, 133, 274; Notice of Prof. Mialls " Round the year," and " Natural History of Aquatic Insects," 57; Report on Great Storm of Midsummer Day, 1897, 112; do. Corrections, 191; do, Relief Fund, 296 ; Reports on trial borings for Coal in Essex, 136; Clisiocampa castrensis on Essex Coast in 1897, 141 ; Uphall farm, Ilford, 143 ; On Protection of fauna and flora, 184; "Four days in a Dene- hole," an old man's terrible ex- perience, 191; On progress of Museum of Natural History, 231 ; Serious subsidence of Cliff at Wal- ton, 236; The High Tide of Nov- ember, 29th, 1897, 277 ; Report on Conference of Corresponding So- cieties, 1897, 284; Abundance of Pieris brassiere, 294; Amphydasis prodromaria in February, 294 ; New Whale Gallery in British Museum of Natural History, 334 ; Animal Conference of Natural History Societies, 336, 360 ; A suggestion for establishment of an Annual Congress of Natural History Societies ot East Anglia, 361 ; On parasite of Hyponomeuta, 369 ; Wooden fish-hooks, 370; Uphall Camp near Barking, 170, 374; Countess of Warwick's Village Science School, 376 ; exhibits Symphytum officinale var patens, from banks of the Lea, 401 Colias edusa at Maldon and Purleigh, 236 Colne Estuary, General remarks on Marine Natural History of, 166 Colymbus arcticus at Ramsden, 235 Conference of Delegates of Corres- ponding Societies of British Association, 1897, 284; do. 1898, 393 ; of East Anglian Natural His- tory Societies, 336, 360 Conger vulgaris at Fowlness Island, 236 Conglomerate, Manganiferous, in Essex, 210 Cooke, Dr.M, C The Essex Fungi, and how they should be represented in Epping Forest Museum, 1; Sixty years of British Mycology, 216 • Special vote of thanks to 230, 250