INDEX TO VOLUME X. v Corresponding Societies of British Association, Reports of Conference 1897, 284 ; do. 1898, 393 Countess of Warwick's Village Science School, 185, 376 Clacton, Pleistocene relics from, exhibited and presented to Club, 406 Clark, Percy, The Encroaching Sea on the East Coast, 297; Further notes on the effects of the Great Tide of November, 1897, 355 ; A visit to the Blackheaded Gulls in Essex, 388 Clisiocampa castrensis on the Essex Coast in 1897, 141 Clouded-yellow Butterfly at Maldon and Purleigh, 236 Club Supper, 232 Crake, Spotted, in Lea Valley, 235, 293 Crepidula fornicata at Brightlingsea, 227; Further notes on the occurr- ence of in Essex waters, 353 ; Speci- men of from Colne Estuary, 370 Crouch River, Mackerel in, 292 Crouch, Walter, on Mudge's Map of Essex, 294 ; Further notes on the occurence of Crepidula in Essex waters, 353 Cunnington, (Miss) May, Saponaria Vaccaria at Braintree, 373 Cuttle-fish (Sepia), large, off Essex Coast, 371 Cynophallus caninus in Epping Forest, 190 Danvers, F. C, Agriculture in Essex, 64 Decoy, another Essex, 234, 293 Deer in Epping Forest, number of, 59.292 Deer, Fallow, head from herd at Weald Park, presented to Museum, 12 " Disappearance of certain species of insects, with notes on their slaughter and protection," 64 Diver, Black-throated, at Ramsden, 235 Denehole, four days in a, 191 Denholes in Hangman's Wood, details of, 408 "Dewlands," John Ray's house, visit to, 402 Doodle Oak in Hatfield Forest, 178 Ducks, Wild, Mortality amongst, 293 Dymond, T. S., Manganiferous Con- glomerate in Essex, 210 ; and F, W. Maryon, " Freshwater Chalk," at Halstead, 213 Early Man, Notes on some relics of, in the neighbourhood of Chelms- ford, 305 Earthquake, English, of December 17th, 1896, 240; Do. felt at Brent- wood, 64 Earthworks, Ancient Defensive, in connection with Rayleigh Castle, Essex, 145 East Anglian Natural History Societies, Annual Conference of, 336, 360 Eastern Counties; the Federation Ideal for Natural History Societies, with special reference to, 51 East Coast, Encroaching sea on the, 297 Easton Lodge, Visit to, 176 Edwards, Mr. Passmore, and the Essex Museum, 231, 251, 337 Eel, Conger (Conger vulgaris) at Fowl- ness Island, 236 Elliott, F. W., Golden Orioles in Epping Forest, 139 ; The Existing Trees and Shrubs of Epping Forest, 377 Encroaching Sea on the East Coast, 297, 402 Enock, F., Discovery of the male of Prestwichia aquatica in Epping Forest, 10 Entomostraca, Exhibition of from Epping Forest, 232; Do. in Wal- thamstow Reservoirs, 400; Capture oi in Forest ponds, 369 Entomostraca of Epping Forest, with some general Remarks on the Group, Part I., 193 ; Do. Part II., 259; Do. Parts III. and IV., 313 Entomostraca, British Freshwater, A Bibliography of the Literature relating to, 328