INDEX TO VOLUME X. vii Fordham, H. G., Report on English Earthquake of December 17, 1896, 240 Fowlness Island, Short-finned Tunny at, 188 ; Conger Eel at, 236 ; Sal- mon, Sea-trout, Sturgeon and Halibut, off, 292 Frankenia lentis in Essex, 190 French, J., Gryphaea incurva with upper valve in position, 61 Fresh-water Algae, a sketch of, 129, 159 Fungi, Essex, how they they should be represented in Museum, 1 ; Study of, 230 Gallinago major at Waltham Abbey, 235 Garganey (Querquedula circia) in Lea Valley, 235 Gearing, Percy, presents specimens to Museum, 369 Glacial Epoch, the Palaeolithic Deposit at Hitchin and their re- lation to, 49 Gloucester, Colchester " Native Oyster" in Roman Times, 141, 176 Golden Orioles, at Bowers Gifford, 60, 139 ; in Epping Forest, 139 Goose, Brent, near Broxbourne, 234 ; Grey Lag, near Broxbourne, 234 Gould, I. Chalkley, Alfred Green- wood (? Botanist) of Chelmsford, 336 Greenwood, Alfred, (Botanist ?) of Chelmsford, 336 Grubbe, Thomas B,, the weather of 1896 from a Farmer's point of view, 62 Gryphaea incurva with upper valve in position, 61 Gulls, Black-headed in Essex, a visit to, 388; Frequenting the Thames, 411 Gyr Falcon in Hatfield Forest, 178 Hailstorm Relief Fund, the Essex, 296 Halibut off Fowlness, 292 Halstead, Wirlwind near, 191 '. " Fresh-water Chalk " at, 213 Harting, J. E., Protection of Mam- mals and Birds, 180 Harwich as a Port of Entry, 144 Hasted, Rev. H., Golden Orioles at Bowers in March, 60, 139 Hatfield Forest, visit to, 178 Herony, another Essex, 234; In Wanstead Park, 292 Hitchin, the Palaeolithic Deposits at, and their relation to Glacial Epoch, 49 Hockley Spa, visit to, 130 Holmes, T. V., Report on boring for Coal in Essex, 9; Notice of Clement Reid's paper on Palaeo- lithic Deposits at Hitchin, 49; Physical Geography of site of battle of Assandun, 130 ; Notes on Ancient Defensive Earthworks in connection with those of Ray- leigh Castle, 145 ; Bird slaughter, 188 ; Report on Meeting cf Corres- ponding Societies Committee at Bristol, 1898, 393 ; Notice of Woodward's " Soils and Subsoils," 411 Howard, Eliot, Colchester" Native Oysters " at Gloucester in Roman times, 141, 176 Howard, David, Vote of thanks to 15 ; Presidential Address, March 27th, 1897, 82; do. March 26th, 1898, 241 ; Protection of Native Fauna and Flora, 182 Hyponomeuta, Hymenopterous parasite of, 369 Ilford, Uphall Farm at, 143, 176, 374 Implement made from a Stag's Antler, from Wormingford, 310, 351 Imports, Harwich as a port of entry for, 144 Insects in Danger of Extermination, Protection of, 180 ; " Natural His- tory " of, 57 Johnson, S. H., and Mrs. Johnson, entertain the Club, 229 Jubilee Medal, 240 Kennard, A. S., and B. B. Wood- ward, on the Post-Pliocene Non- Marine Mollusca of Essex, 87 ; do Errata, 189; Notes on the Mol- lusca (Post-Pliocene and Recent) of Felstead, 185; On a MS. of the late John Brown, 288