viii INDEX TO VOLUME X. Kenworthy, Rev. J. W., entertains the Club, 403; reads paper on Pleistocene Remains at Clacton, 406 Landon, Frank, Earthquake of December 17th, 1896, felt at Brent- wood, 64 Lantern-slides, Preparation of Marine Animals as, 346 Latchingdon, Seal at, 234 Lathyrus nissolia in Essex, 336, 374 Laver Dr. Henry, his book on " Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Essex,'' 251 ; Presents specimen of Crepidula from Colne Estuary, 370; Wood-Sandpiper at Pagles- ham, 371 Lea River, Otter in, 59; Large Pike in, 292; Otters in, 334 Lea Valley, Notes on Sections in, at South Tottenham, no; Garganey in, 235; Spotted Crake in, 235, 293 Library, Club's, Resolution respect- ing, 14 Linton, Capture of an Albatross at, 188 Lister, Arthur, Practical Hints on the Study of the Mycetozoa, with Notes on the Epping Forest species, 23 London Park waters, Gulls on the, 392 Lovett, Edward, Fish-hooks of wood used on Essex Coast, 300 ; On an Implement of Deer's Antler in Museum, 351 ; Primitive Methods of obtaining Fire, lecture on, 411 Lychnis, Abnormal Flowers of, 142 Mackerel (Scomber scomber) in the Crouch River, 292 Maldon, Colias edusa at, 236; Shark at, 336 ; Sturgeon at, 335 " Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Essex," Publication of, 251 Manganiferous Conglomerate in Essex, 2To Manningtree, Otter at, 233 Maps of Essex, Old, 410 Marine Animals, Preparation of as transparent lantern slides, 346, 370; Dr. Sorby's Specimens of, 226 Marine Natural History of the Colne Estuary, 166 Marquand, E. D., On Freshwater Algae, 129, 159 Maryon, F. V., and T. S. Dymond, " Freshwater Chalk " at Halstead, 213 Massee, George, on the Study of Fungi, 230 Matthams, H. L., Short-finned Tunny at Fowlness, 188; Salmon, Sea-trout, Sturgeon, &c, off Fowl- ness Island, 292 Maze at Tilty Abbey, 184 Meldola, Prof. R., On Protection of Native Fauna and Flora, 183 ; On Growth of Aspen in the Forest, 230; Lecture on a " Holiday Trip from Atlantic to the Pacific," 232; Receives Jubilee Medal, 240; On Old Map of Essex, 410. Merlin in the Forest district, 60 Meteorology in Essex in 1897,293; Do. in 1898, 413; In Colchester, 239 Miall, Prof., L. C, "Round the Year " and " Natural History of Aquatic Insects," Notices of, 57 Midsummer Day, 1897, Great Storm of, 112 ; do. Correction, 191 Mollusca, Sciographs of, 227 Mollusca, Post-Pliocene Non-Marine of Essex, 12, 87; Errata, 189; Do, do. of Felstead, 185 ; Do. from Sec- tion in Lea Valley, III Molluscs, Non-Marine of Essex, 27, 65 ; Do. Corrections and Additions, 189 Mothersole, Henry, Notes of Relics of Early Man near Chelms- ford, 305 Mudge's Map of Essex, 294 Museum, Epping Forest, Essex Fungi and how they should be represented in, 1; Report on (1896), 21 ; Progress of, 252 Museum, Essex Natural History, Presentation of head of Deer 12; Resolution of Council, March 2nd, 1897, 19; Progress of, 231, 251;