INDEX TO VOLUME X. ix Resolutions respecting appoint- ment of Committee, 256 ; Agree- ment with Corporation of West Ham, and Munificent Gift of Mr. Passmore Edwards, 337 Museum, Saffron Walden, The late Sir B. W. W. Richardson on, 192 Museums, the Educational Value of, 192; Essex Field Club's, Condi- tions as to acceptance of specimens, 21 Mycetozoa, Hints on the Study of, &c., 23 Mycology, Sixty Years of British, 216 Passmore Edwards, Mr.,Gift towards foundation of Essex Museum, 231, 251, 237 Paxman, Alderman, entertains the Club, 403 Peucedanum officinale in Essex, 190 Pewit Island, visit to, 226 Pieris brassicae, abundance of, 294 Pike, Large, in Lea River, 292 Plant Companionship (Symbiosis) in the Forest, 170 Plants, in Epping Forest, 61; On the extermination of, 82; Two rare Essex, 190 ; Uncommon Essex, ex- hibited, 403 Polecat in Suffolk, 290 "Portingbury Fields" in Hatfield Forest, 178 Porzana maruetta in Lea Valley, 235, 293 Presidential Address, 1897,16, 82 ; do. 1898, 241 Prestwichia aquatica, Discovery of the male in Epping Forest, 10 Primula elatior, Distribution of in Britain, 142 Primula plants, Two interesting, 307 Pritchett, G. E., Maze at Tilty Abbey, 184 Protection of Native Fauna and Flora, Discussion on, 179; Of Wild Birds in Essex, 56,133, 274 Purleigh, Colias edusa at, 236 Querquedula circia in Lea Valley, 235 Queen Elizabeth's Lodge in 1853, 143 Rainfall, Extraordinary, in 1896 and 1897, 62 Rainfall and Temperature in Essex in 1896 and 1897, 62 ; in 1898, 413 Ramsden, Black-throated Diver at 235 Ray, John. Visit to Dewlands and his Grave, 402 ; Contemporaries of, in Biology, 403 Rayleigh " Castle," visit to, 133 ; Ancient Defensive Earthworks in connection with, 145 Red Deer Antlers used as food, 187 "Natural History of Aquatic Insects,' Notice of, 57 Natural History Societies, The Federation Ideal for, 51; South- East Union of, 144 ; Annual Con- gress of East Anglian, 360 Newspaper Science—Poisonous and Edible Fungi, 191 Notes, Original and Selected, 59, 139, 187, 233, 290, 334, 371, 413, Ockendon, South, Badger at, 290 Ocynus thynnus at Fowlness, 188 Officers and Council for 1897, 14 ; do. for 1898, 257 ; Vote of thanks to, 16 Ophrys apifera near Brentwood, 374 Otters, beating to death at Brox- bourne, 59 ; Slaughter of, at Mann- ington and Brightlingsea, 233 ; At Finchingfield, 234 ; In the Lea at Hoddesdon, 334 Owen, Sir Richard, the late, 144 Owl, Long-eared, Breeding in Essex, 139 Owls needed in Wanstead Park, 234 Oysters, Colchester " Natives " at Gloucester in Roman times, 141 ; Fisheries, Colne, inspection of, 223; Notes on the food of in Essex, 169 Paglesham, Wood Sand-piper at, 371 Palaeolithic Deposits at Hitchin and their relation to the Glacial Epoch, 49 Paulson, Robert, Cynophallus can- inus in Epping Forest, 190