x INDEX TO VOLUME X. Reid, Clement,Palaeolithic Deposits at Hitchen, and their relations to the Glacial Epoch, 49 Rhynchotus rufescens, introduction of into Essex, 335 Richardson, Sir B.W.W. On the Educational value of Local Mu- seums, 192 "Round the Year," Prof. Miall's, notice of, 57 Rules, Alterations of, 255, 406 Rushen, W.H., Owls needed in Wanstead Park, 234 Sirex juvencus at Brentwood, 189; S. gigas at Brightlingsea and Col- chester, 371 Smith, Worthington G., On an implement made from Antler, from Wormingford, 310 Smoothy, Charles, Black-throated Diver at Ramsden, 235 Snipe, Great, at Waltham Abbey, 235 " Soils and Sub-soils," by Horace B. Woodward, Notice of, 411 Sorby, Dr. H. C, Remarks on Marine Natural History of Colne Estuary, 166 ; On the Food of Oysters in Essex, 169; Preserved Specimens of Marine Animals, 226; Colouring Matter of Marine Algae, 227; On the Preparation of Marine Animals as transparent Lantern Slides, 346 ; Lecture and Exhibit of Marine Animals preserved as Lantern Slides, 370 South-Eastern Union of Natural His- tory Societies, 144 Special Meetings, January 22nd, 1898, 254; Do. 255 ; Do. 406 Spider, Agressive Resemblance in, 372 Spring Arrivals of Birds, 293 Stag's Antler, au Implement made from, from Wormingford, Essex, 310. 351 Stisted Hall, Visit to, 403 Storm, Great, of Midsummer Day, 1897, 112; Do. Corrections, 191; In Essex in 1565, 239 Sturgeon off Fowlness, 292; At Maldon. 335 Subsidence of Cliff at Walton, 236 Suffolk, Polecat in, 290 Swallows, Early, 60 Symbiosis in the Forest, 170, 176 Symons, G. J,, Whirlwind at Hal- Halstead, 191 Symphytum officinale, var. patens on banks of the Lea, 401 Tea Fund, 258 Temperature and Rainfall in Essex in 1897, 237 ; Do in 1898, 413 Thames, Gulls on the, 392 Tide, Great, of November, 1S97, 277; Further Notes on, 355 : Disastrous Saffron Walden Museum, the late Sir. B. W. W. Richardson on, 192 Salmon off Fowlness, 292 Sand-piper, Wood, at Paglesham, 371 Saponaria Vaccaria at Braintree and Bulford, 373 Saturnia carpini in Essex, 140 Saxon, Christopher, Map of Essex, 410 Sciographs of Mollusca, 227 Scolopax rusticula in Epping Forest, 235 Scourfield, D. J., The Entomos- traca of Epping Forest, 193, 259, 313; Exhibits specimens of En- tomostraca from the Forest, 232 ; Collects EntomostracainForest, 369; do. in Walthamstow Reservoirs, 400 Scutigera coleoptrata, at Colchester, 371 Seals at Latchingdon, 234 ; on Essex Coast, 291 Sepia, Large, off Essex coast, 371 Sewell, S. A., Floral Aspects of Epping Forest in the Spring Months, 174 ; Villarsia nymphaeides in Epping Forest, 373 Shark at Maldon, 336 Shenfield, Dark variety of Arctia caja at, 61 Shenstone, J. C, Two rare Essex plants, 190; Exhibits uncommon Essex plants, and Photographs of Wild Flowers, 403 Shore Birds, Protection of, 133