INDEX TO VOLUME X. xi effects of at North Fambridge, 375 ; Effects of in Essex, 397 Tinamu, Rufous, introduction of into Essex, 335 Totanus glareola at Paglesham, 371 Tower, C. J. H., Presents head of Fallow Buck from Weald Park, 12 Treasurer's Statement of Account, 1896, 17 ; Do. 1897, 246 Trees and Shrubs of Epping Forest 377 Trout, Sea, off Fowlness, 292 " Truly Derelict, a Curious Corner of Essex," 397 Tuck, Rev. J. G., Capture of an Albatross at Linton, on the Essex border, 188 Tunny, Short-finned, at Fowlness, 188 Tutt, J. W., Address on Variations in Lepidoptera, 13 Unio pictorum in Hatfield Forest, 178 Uphall Camp, near Barking, 143, 176, 374 Villarsia nymphceoides in Epping Forest, 373 Variation in Lepidoptera, Address on, by J. W. Tutt, 13 Waller, W. C, Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, in 1853, 143; " Another Essex Decoy," 293 ; Fairmead Lodge, 295 Walthamstow Reservoirs, Descrip- tion of, 399 ; Entomostraca in, 400 Walton-on-Naze, Serious Subsidence of Cliff at, 236 Wanstead Park, Owls needed in, 234 ; Heronry in, 292 Warwick, Earl and Countess of, entertain the Club, 176 "Waytemore Castle'' at Bishops Stortford, Visit to, 177 Weather of 1896, from a Farmer's point of view, 62; Rainfall and Temperature in 1896 and 1897, 62 ; In 1898,413; Meteorology in Essex in 1897, 239 ; do in 1898, 413 ; In Colchester, 239 Webb, Wilfred Mark, The Noir Marine Mollusca of Essex, 27,65 do. Corrections and additions, 189 ' Note on Mollusca from section in Lea Valley at South Tottenham, 111 ; Saturnia carpini in Essex, 140 ; Ab- normal flowers of Lychnis and Chrysanthemum, 142; Choerocampa elpenor at Brentwood, 189; Sirex juvencus at Brentwood, 189; Ex- hibits sciographs of Mollusca, 227 ; Crepidula fornicata, at Brightlingsea, 227; Scutigera coleoptrata at Col- chester, 371; Sirex gigas at Bright- lingsea and Colchester, 371; Large Sepia off Essex Coast, 371; '' Agressive resemblance" in a Spider, 372 ; Ophrys apifera near Brentwood, and Lathyrus nissolia in Essex, 374 West Ham Corporation, Agreement with Essex Field Club, 337 ; Vote of thanks to, 410 Whale Gallery at British Museum, 334 Whitaker, W,, Report on Boring for Coal in Essex, 9 Wild Birds, Scheduled in the Protec- tion Orders, 134; The Protection of in Essex, 56,133, 274 Wild Flowers, Photographs of, ex- hibited, 403 Wildfowlers, Terms used by, 293 Willament, R. G., Dark variety of Arctia caja at Shenfield, 61 Wills, E. Jerrard, Gray Lag Goose and Brent Goose near Broxbourne, 234 ; Garganey in the Lea Valley, 235; Double Snipe at Waltham Abbey, 235 ; Spotted Crake in Lea Valley, 235, 293 Wilson, J. Hay, Note on Section in the Lea Valley at South Tottenham, no Whirl wind near Halstead on June 30th, 1897, 191 Woodcock in the Forest, 235 Woodward,B.B. and A. S. Kennard, on the Post-Pliocene Non-Marine Mollusca of Essex, 87 ; do. errata, 189 ; Notes on the Mollusca of Fel- stead, 185 ; on a MS. of the late John Brown, 288 Woodward, Horace B., " Soils and Subsoils," Notice of, 411 Wormingford, Implement made from Stag's Antler from, 310 Wyvenhoe, Visit to Messrs Forrestt's Ship-yard, 224