BRITISH WELL-WORMS. 3 the earthworms they are usually in pairs. In some species the perfect seta has an imperfect one by its side, and the seta of the dorsal portion of the body usually vary from those of the ventral. Even in the species which has the normal arrangement of the setae we still find a difference in size between the dorsal and ventral pairs. Several biologists have pointed out the existence here, as among the Enchytraeids, of a peculiar appendage to the ventral nerve cord in each segment. Normally there are two pairs of testes in segments ten and eleven, and two pairs of ovaries in the twelfth and thirteenth segments, as was first clearly indicated by Mr. F. E. Beddard. There are two or three pairs of Spermathecae in the species already described. The prostomium is generally divided by a constriction. Mr. Beddard has described a closely related genus under the name of Pelodrilus the two genera being placed together under the Family Phreoryctidae. He gives the following definition of the Family :— " Definition.—Aquatic or terrestrial Oligochaeta of slender form, often exceedingly long. Setae in four rows of single setae or paired, sigmoid. Testes in X., XI. Ovaries in XII., XIII. or XIII. only, Sperm-ducts, two pairs opening separately, without spermiducal glands, Spermathecae in front of testes, without diverticula. No genital setae." In one or two particulars this definition will now require modification. In regard to the setae we shall have to read in future—"Setas in two or four rows," and some qualification of the phrase about genital setae must be introduced. Mr. Beddard next proceeds to define the genus Phreoryctes. First we have the synonyms as follows :— Phreoryctes, Hoffmeister. Haplotaxis, Hoffmeister. Nemodrilus, Claparede. Georyctes, Schlotthauber. According to Dr. Michaelsen, whom I shall quote later, this synonymy is incomplete. " Definition.—Setae in four rows of single setae or pairs. Clitellum XL—XIV. Prostomium divided by a transverse constric- tion. Testes in X, XI. Ovaries in XII., XIII. Vasa deferentia open separately on to XI. and XII. ; oviducts on to border line between seg- ments XII/XIII. and XIII/XIV. Spermathecae, two or three pairs in VII., VIII. (IX.)." Here again the same modification applies to the setae. We now come to a consideration of the known species. When Mr.