ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. 19 of £100 annually, these two payments to commence from the date of the agreement. The proportional instalments of the Annual Grants up to the 25th of December, 1898, have been paid to the Fund. The necessary alterations in the Rules and the consent of the Club as a body to the terms of the agreement were made and given at a Special Meeting held on October 4th, 1898, which is fully reported in the last issue of the Essex Naturalist (vol. x. pp. 406-407). With reference to the removal of the Club's goods from Chelmsford and the differences on matters of finance which had arisen, a Sub-Committee (consisting of the Rev. R. E. Bartlett, Mr. T. V. Holmes, and Prof. R. Meldola, with Mr. W. C. Waller as Hon. Secretary) was formed "for the purpose (amongst other things) of reporting upon the best way of settling the said differences whether by friendly arrangement, arbitration or otherwise." The separation of the Club's goods from those formerly belonging to the old Chelmsford Museum was made, and the Council decided that they should at once be removed from Chelmsford. This was done on September 2nd last. The question of the pecuniary liabilities attaching to each party was delegated to the above-named Committee, with the addition of Mr. C. A, Copland (Solicitor), on behalf of Mr. Chancellor, and Mr. Henry I. Coburn, Hon. Solicitor to the Club, "to act as Arbitrators in the financial question, their award to be final and binding on both the said Institutions." The award of the Arbitrators was made on January 17th, 1899, and in the following words (after recital) :— " And whereas Frederic Chancellor, of Chelmsford, aforesaid Architect (on behalf of the said Museum), and William Cole, of Knighton Villas, Buckhurst Hill (on behalf of the said Club), have each submitted to us certain statements of account and otherwise in reference to the said matter of difference embodying the claims of the said Institutions respectively the claim of the said Museum being in excess of the claim of the said Club. Now we the undersigned as such arbitrators as aforesaid having duly considered the said statements and the said matters in difference do hereby decide, award, and adjudge that all accounts between the said Institutions shall be considered as settled and closed without any payment being made by either of the said Institutions to the other, and that all claims by each of the said Institutions against the other in respect of the matters in difference or for damages or otherwise shall be considered to be put an end to and extinguished." This award was signed by all the members of the Committee, and must be accepted as a final settlement. The Council gave up possession of the rooms at Chelmsford on the 29th of September, and they have taken premises at 9, Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate, as a temporary storehouse and Curator's work-rooms pending the completion of the new museum. Mr. W. Cole, F.L.S., F.E.S., has been appointed Curator to the Museum as from the 25th of July, 1898. The Council and the members of Club have already recorded their most cordial thanks to Mr. Passmore Edwards for his munificence, and also to the Technical Instruction Committee of the Corporation of West Ham for the enlightened view they have taken with regard to the establishment of the Museum on a secure footing. The Council also wish to express their thanks