34 ESSEX AS A WINE-PRODUCING COUNTY. Mr. Scott recommends that the plasterwork should be renewed with cement plaster brought flush with the surfaces of the timber work ; that barge boards of suitable design should be substituted for those now in position ; and that the rough-case should be removed from the old chimney stack, and the brick work pointed. We may now, therefore, hope to see the old Lodge skilfully repaired, to become one of the principal objects of interest in the neighbourhood. The additional space afforded to the Museum will permit of a more systematic and complete representation of the natural history and antiquities of the Forest. The Club has petitioned the Epping Forest Committee to establish some efficient means of warming the building by means of hot water, and to give our Curator the use of a room or rooms for work and storage. It is also very desirable that the Museum should be lighted up during the dark afternoons in winter. If these things are done, the building will be vastly more suitable to its purpose, and it will need only a little perseverance and co-operation of those interested in the Forest to render the Epping Forest Museum worthy of its setting in the midst of one of the finest recreation grounds in England. ESSEX AS A WINE-PRODUCING COUNTY. By MILLER CHRISTY, F.L.S. SEVERAL months since, Mr. Walter Sergeant, of Dunmow, writing to one of our leading county papers,1 raised the question:—Has the vine ever been cultivated in Essex to any large extent for the purpose of making wine ? We are safe, I think, in answering this question by a direct negative. At the same time, there can be no doubt whatever that, in early times, viniculture was successfully carried on at not a few places in Essex. Of this, we have clear evidence in the fact that many fields and pastures in various parts of the county still retain (though sometimes in a corrupted form) the name of "The Vineyard." Moreover, written records proving that the vine was once cultivated in our Essex valleys still exist and will be noticed hereafter. 1 See The Essex County Chronicle, Dec. 9th, 1898.