62 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. In 1595 he was elected a member of the Court of Assistants of the Barber-Surgeons, and about this time he seems to have had a house and garden in Holborn, probably near Fetter Lane, the north side being occupied by the garden of Ely House, after- wards Sir Christopher Hatton's. In 1596 Gerard issued a catalogue of the plants growing in this garden, of which he issued a second edition in 1599, both editions having been edited in a most workmanlike manner by Mr. B. D. Jackson, to whom I am most deeply indebted for assistance of all kinds. In 1597 Gerard became Junior Warden of the Barber-Surgeons' Company, and issued his Herball,16 which is virtually an adapta- tion to England of the Pemptades of Dodoens (1583). Previous to the appearance of this Herbal there had appeared the Stirpium Adversaria of Pena and Lobel (1570) and the Herbal, translated from Dodoens by Henry Lyte (1578), both containing localities ; but those of the latter work are mainly from the Dutch original or copied from Turner, whilst none of those in the former happen to be in Essex. Gerard's Herball contains more than 1,800 woodcuts, nearly all of which were those used in the Eicones Stirpium of Tabernaemontani (1590), obtained from Frankfort for the purpose by the printer, Norton. In 1604 Gerard received a royal grant of a garden plot containing about two acres to the east of Somerset House, Strand, but in the following year he parted with his lease to Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. In 1608 he became Master of the Barber-Surgeons' Company, but in February, 1612, he died and was buried in St. Andrews', Holborn. The Herball enumerates about 75 plants from Essex, of which two or three are escapes from cultivation, about as many seem to be blunders, and the record of Ruscus is taken from Turner. Of the rest some cannot be determined with certainty, but in the first appendix to his Flora Mr. Gibson only enumerates the following 43 species as first mentioned by Gerard :— Clematis vitalba. Cynoglossum montanum. Myosurus minimus. Linaria elatine. [Sisymbrium polyceratium.] L. spuria. Crambe maritima. Lamium galeobdolon. Althaea officinalis. Galeopsis ladanum. Tilia parvifolia. Anagallis caerulea. Hypericum audrosaemum. Glaux maritima. Melilotus officinalis. Statice limonium. 16 John Gerard. Herball. London. 1597. fol. 449. k. 4.