HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. 65 p. 198. " Erysimum sylvestre, Wilde bancke Cresses, with leaves like Dandelion, . . . I found it growing at a place by Chelmesforde in Essex called little Baddowe." This would be Sisymbrium polyceratium L., but Johnson says :—18 " If our Author meant this which I have described and given you the the figure of (as it is probable he did), I doubt he scarce found it wilde." p. 249. " Brassica marina Anglica. . . The sea Colewoort groweth naturally vpon the bayche and brims of the sea, where there is no earth to bee seene, but sand and rowling pibble stones, which those that dwell neere the sea doe call Bayche : I found it growing . . . in many places neare Colchester." [Crambe maritima L.] p. 257. " Atriplex marina . . . certaine Orache . . . I have found in our owne country, neere the sea side ... it groweth by the blockhouse of Tilberie." [Atriplex laciniata L.] Johnson (p. 325) suppresses this locality, without comment. p. 278. " Thorne apples . . The iuyce of Thorne apples boiled with hogges grease to the forme of an vnguent or salve, cureth all inflamma- tions whatsoeuer, all manner of burnings or scaldings, as well of fire, water, boyling leade, gun-powder, as that which comes by lightning, and that in very short time, as my self have found by my dayly practise, to my great credit and profit. The first experience came from Colchester where Mistresse Label a Merchants wife there being most grieuously burned with lightning, and not finding ease or cure in any other thing, by this found helpe when all hope was past, by the report of Mr. William Ramme, publique Notarie of the said towne, was perfectly cured. [Datura stramonium L.] p. 295. " The yellowe horned Poppie. Papauer cornutum flore luteo . . groweth vpon the sandes and bankes of the sea: I found it growing . . . at Lee at Essex : at Harwich." [Glaucium flavum Crantz.] p. 324. " Cochlearia Britannica. Common English Scurvie-grasse . . groweth in diuers places vpon the brims of the famous riuer Thames, as at Woolwich, Erith, Greenhithe, Grauesend; as well as on the Essex shore.' [Cochlearia anglica L.] p. 326. " Ophris Bifolia. Twaiblade . . groweth in moist medowes, fennie grounds and shadowie places. I haue found it in many places, as . in the woods by Quenden neere to Clare in Essex, and in the woods by Dunmow in Essex." [Listera ovata R. Br.] p. 327. " Ophioglosson. Adder's toonge . . groweth in moist medowes throughout most parts of Englande, as . . in the fieldes in Waltham forrest." [Ophioglossum vulgatum L.] 18 Op. cit. p.254.