66 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. p. 328. " Herba Paris. One Berrie, or herbe Truelove . . groweth plentifully in all these places following, that is to saie, in Chalkney woode neere to wakes Coulne, seauen miles from Colchester in Essex ; . . in the parsonage orcharde at Radwinter in Essex, neare to Saffron Walden ; . . in Bocking parke by Braintree in Essex." [Paris quadrifolia L.] p. 329. " Lunaria minor. Small moonewoort . . groweth also in the raines of an olde brickekill by Colchester, in the grounde of master George Sayes, called Miles ende." [Botrychium lunaria Sw.] p. 332. " Lilium conuallium. Conuall Lillies . . or Lillie of the Vally groweth . neere to Lee in Essex." [Convallaria majalis L.] p. 333, " Limonium. Sea Lauander spike . . groweth . . in the salt marshes by Lee in Essex : in the Marsh by Harwich, and many other places." [Statice limonium L.] Gibson remarks ("Flora," p. 253) that "Gerard's figure seems quite as like S. bahusiensis," i.e. S. rariflora Drejer. p. 333. " Tripolium vulgare. Sea Starwort . . There is another kinde of Tripolium like the first, but much smaller, wherein consisteth the difference. . These herbs grow plentifully along the English coastes in many places, as . . in a marsh which is vnder the towne wals of Harwich, in the marsh by Lee in Essex." [Aster tripolium L] p. 337. 1. Sagittaria major. Great Arrowe head. 2. Sagittaria minor Small Arrowe head. 3. Sagittaria minor angustifolia. Narrow-leafed Arrow head. . . These herbes do grow in the watrie ditches . . by Chelmesford in Essex. [Sagittaria sagittifolia L.] Gerard's three names refer only to variations which commonly occur in the arrow-shaped leaves of this species, without reference to the grass-like submerged leaves and the ovate unbarbed floating ones that also occur. p. 343. " Plantago maritima. Sea Plantaine . . doth growe neere vnto the sea side in all the places about Englande where I have trauelled, especially by the fortes on both sides of the water at Grauesend ; . . at Lee in Essex." [Plantago maritima L.] p. 346. " Cauda Muris. Mousetaile . . groweth . . in Woodford Row in Waltham forrest, and in the orchard belonging to Master Francis Whetstone in Essex." [Myosurus minimus L.] p. 346. "1. Cornu Ceruinum. Hartes home. 2. Coronopus Ruellij. Swines Cresses, or Buckshorne . . growe . . at Waltham, twelve miles from London." [Plantago coronopus L. and Coronopus procumbens Gilib.] p. 347. " Saracens Consound. Solidago Saracenica . . groweth by a wood, as yee ride from great Dunmowe in Essex, nto a place called Clare in the saide countrey ; from whence I brought some plants into my garden." This should refer to Senecio saracenicus L. ; but under Arabis,