HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. 67 quorundam of Camerarius, which would seem, as Mr. Jackson points out,19 to be Sisymbrium strictissimum L., Johnson says :—20 " Without doubt this is the very plant that our Author mistooke for Solidago Sarracenia, lor he bewraies himselfe in the chapter of Epimedium whereas he saith it has cods like Sarracens Consound ; when as both he, and all other giue no cods at all to Sarracens Consound. My very good friend Mr. John Goodyer was the first, I thinke, that obserued this mistake in our Author." At the same time Sisymbrium strictissimum is neither British, nor very likely to have occurred at Dunmow. p. 349. " Virga aurea. Golden Rod" and " Virga aurea Arnoldi Villanouani. Arnold of the new towne his Golden Rod. . . They both growe plentifully . . in a wood by Rayleigh in Essex." [Solidago virgaurea L.] On the second of these forms Messrs. Trimen and Dyer write :—21 " A dwarf form was distinguished by the old botantists. Gerarde calls it V.-a. Arnoldi Villa novani, and both he and Johnson mention it in Hampstead Wood. It is probably V.-a. vulgari humilior (R. Syn. iii. 176) on Hampstead Heath ; Huds. i. 319 ; and nearly answers to Smith's var Cambrica." p. 352. " Gentiana minor Cruciata . . Crossewoort Gentian groweth in a pasture at the west ende of little Rayne in Essex, on the north side of the waie leading fram Braintrie to much Dunmow ; and in the horse way by the same close." [Gentiana cruciata L.] This error, as it almost certainly is [Gibson p. 205] may have arisen by a slip for Blackstonia, Erythraea or Galium cruciata Scop. p. 358. " Helleborine. Wilde white Hellebor . . groweth . . in the woods of Dunmowe in Essex : . . in a little groue of Juniper, and in a woode by Clare in Essex." [Cephalanthera pallens Rich.] p. 365. " Trachelium minus. Small Canterburie bels . . groweth . . in Hennyngham parke in Essex." [Campanula glomerata L] p. 376. " Of Sea stocke Gilloflowers." "These plants do growe neere vnto the Sea side, about Colchester." Gerard enumerates no less than five kinds. Johnson (op. cit p. 461) doubts whether any except perhaps Leucoium marinum Purpureum L'Obelij have been found wild. Gibson in the "additions and Corrections" to his Flora, p. 456, rightly identifies this one species with Mathiola sinuata R.Br., at the same time pointing out that it "is probably a mistake" to have- recorded it for Essex. 19 Catalogue of plants . . in the garden of John Gerard, p. 51. 20 Gerard emac. p.275 21 Flora of Middlesex, p. 150.