68 REPORT OF THE CLUB'S DELEGATE. p. 377. " Viola Lunaria siue Bolbonae. White Sattin . . hath beene founde wilde . in Essex . . about Hornchurch." [Lunaria biennis.] p. 401. " Tithymalus paralius. Sea Spurge . . groweth by the sea side vpon the rowling sande and baich, as at Lee in Essex, at Langtree point right against Harwich." [Euphorbia paralias L.] p. 455. " Clymenon Italorum. Tutsan or Parke leaues . . groweth . . in a wood by Railie in Essex." [Hypericum androsaemum L] p. 447. " Of Wilde Flaxe . . The third and fourth growe vpon rocks and cliffes neere to the sea side. I haue seene them growe upon the sea bankes by Lee in Essex." [Linum angustifolium Huds. and, probably, L. catharticum L.] [To be continued.] REPORT OF THE CLUB'S DELEGATE AT THE MEETING OF THE CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES' COMMITTEE OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION AT DOVER, SEPTEMBER, 1899. THE meetings of the Conference were held in the Mayor's Parlour at the Town Hall, Dover, on Sept. 14th and 19th, at 3 p.m. A brief report, which was taken as read, was in the hands of every delegate on the 14th. In it the Corresponding Societies' Committee of the British Association expressed their pleasure at being able to state that the resolution passed at the Bristol Conference of Delegates last year, on the desirability of securing the co-operation of the Coast Guard, in making systematic observations on Coast Erosion, had been adopted by the Council of the Association, and favourably received by the Admiralty. Forms, drawn up by a Committee of the Council of the Association, which had been appointed to con- sider the subject, have been issued by the Admiralty, and many have already been returned, filled in by the Coast Guard. Of course the object of these forms is to promote uniformity in the nature of the observations made, and to direct attention to those points which most need to be noted. As it is in the highest degree desirable that observers belonging to the local scientific societies should know what kind of information is most required—the services of the Coast Guard being designed to supplement, not to supersede, their own—copies of Forms I. and II. are here given :—