CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES' MEETING AT DOVER. 75 that there was another Society for the protection of ancient buildings, but it had no power to hold buildings as the National Trust could. The National Trust was in close touch with that Society, also with the Selborne, the Commons Preservation, and other Societies. He did not think that there was any danger of overlapping as regards the work of these Societies. A vote of thanks to Mr. Blakiston was then heartily accorded, on the pro- position of the Chairman. Section A. Mr. G. J. Symons said that the Committee for Seismological Observations was badly in want of a home, and would be glad if some ancient building could be allotted to them. Section C. The Chairman mentioned two investigations in which the local Societies had been of much assistance. The Committee to investigate the Erratic Blocks of the British Isles presented a report this year. The Committee for the Collection, Preser- vation and Systematic Registration of Photographs of Geological Interest, of which he was Secretary, would be glad to receive any contributions of such photographs. They hoped to be able to undertake the publication of typical geological photo- graphs in such a way as to render them easily obtainable by those who could make good use of them. It would greatly help the Committee if local societies would agree to purchase a series of these photographs. There was a duplicate collection of prints and lantern slides which could be sent to any local society wishing to exhibit them and to see what kind of work was being done, the only expense incurred by the local society being that of carriage. They proposed, when publishing the photographs to add letterpress descriptions. It may be remembered that the duplicate series mentioned by Professor Watts were shown to the Essex Field Club last winter. Those who were present will remember their excellence Section D. The Rev. T. R. Stebbing said that the Secretary of that Section recommended the study of the fauna of wells and caverns by the Corresponding Societies