A SUPPOSED NEOLITHIC SETTLEMENT. 107 The following implements were actually found in the Relic- bed :— Flint Knife or Dagger.— [This very fine implement was found in the early period of the excavations in the part marked A—B on the plan (page 97), and is in the possession of Mr. Davis, the Head-master of the Board School at Braintree. Through his kindness I am able to present a photograph of it Fig. 7. Flint Knife or Dagger from Skitts Hill Two-thirds size. With edge view of same. here (Fig. 7). I have tried to persuade him to add this to the objects in the collection when they are placed in the Essex Field Club's Natural History Museum at Stratford. I trust that when he sees the other parts of the collection installed there he may do so. The implement measures 53/4 inches in length and 2 inches at the greatest width. A similar specimen is figured in Evan's Stone Implements, page 349, fig. 264.—F.W.R.]