108 A SUPPOSED NEOLITHIC SETTLEMENT. Arrow-heads.—One finely-clipped, barbed and stemmed arrow-point is in the Skitts Hill collection (fig. 8). I found it here a few years ago. But such finely-clipped arrow-heads are very rarely turned up in the dwelling-place at Skitts Hill. Among the worked flakes, of which there are hundreds, there are nume- rous pointed ones of a size from 3/4-ths to 11/2 inches long, which may have been utilized for tipping arrows. Pounding-Stones.—Many water - washed pebbles were collected which exhibited signs of use. Fig. 8. Flint arrow-head from Skitts Hill. Full size. Sandstone Shabpenee.—Square-sided and oblong 11/2 inches by 1 in. ; length 4 inches ; probably used for grinding ; found with flints and worked bones in the bottom bed. The base rests steadily on a flat, the top is rubbed into a slightly concave surface, and has a finely-finished grinding plane. Flint Flakes.—Numerous diminutive and delicately- formed flakes are found, for what purpose used it would be hard to say. They are of very varying forms, with sharp edges and bulbs of percussion, some only 3/8-ths inch in width, and 11/2 in. in length, have a clear bulb, butt, and sharp point, two sharp ridges, three facets, and two ridges on the upper side. Nothing in the way of worked flints can exceed them in delicacy These very delicate flints may belong to the higher level of the