127 THE OCCURRENCE IN ESSEX OF A SPECIES OF WOODLOUSE (ISOPODA) NEW TO BRITAIN (PORCELLIO RATZBURGI, BRANDT.) By WILFRED MARK WEBB, F.L.S. [Read December 16th, 1899.] HAVING dealt in the Essex Naturalist with the Land and Freshwater Shells of the county in some detail, there seemed to be no likelihood of my making any contribution of importance to the Club upon that subject for some time to come. I, therefore, at our worthy Secretary's request, turned my attention to the collection of Centipedes and Millipedes, classes in which I had already taken a considerable amount of interest. At the same time it was by no means difficult to secure land Isopods, and it seemed as if the study of our Essex Woodlice might produce an addition to our knowledge of the county fauna, with less labour, owing to the smaller number of species. Being doubtful of some of my determinations, I submitted a number of Isopods to the Rev. Canon Norman, M.A., F.R.S., who had kindly offered me his assistance. The result was that a specimen of Porcellio was considered by that authority to be Porcellio ratzburgi, Brandt, but its antennae being damaged it could not be absolutely determined. Other examples from another locality were too young to make quite sure of, but the species is one, said Canon Norman, that there is reason to think might be found in England. Subsequently I have been through my material from Warley and Brightlingsea, and have picked out two additional specimens from the former locality, after careful examination of the supposed Porcellio ratzburgi. Canon Norman now tells me that they belong to that species, which has not hitherto been recorded from this country, and I had the pleasure of exhibiting the two woodlice at the meeting of the Club at the Geological Museum, on December 16th. The locality is Warley, and possibly also the species occurs at Brightlingsea, though only immature examples, if any, are in my collection from the latter place. It has been found in Norway, Germany, and France. [Owing to the interest of this observation of Mr. Webb's, it seems desirable to publish his note here, somewhat in advance of order of date.—Ed.]