QUEEN ELIZABETH'S LODGE, EPPING FOREST. NOTES ON THE ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE BUILDING. By W. W. LOVE. (With Plate iv.) I HAVE been during the past four months in constant charge, as Foreman of the Works, of the operations for the restora- tion of the old building known as Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, carried on by the Epping Forest Committee of the Corporation QUEEN ELIZABETH'S HUNTING LODGE, IN EPPING FOREST. From the Mirror of May 4th, 1833. Probably representing the condition of the building at that date. of London, for the purpose of affording more space for the Museum of the Essex Field Club. During this work the whole of the original timbers, which were covered up on the outside with plastering and sham timbers, have been exposed to view. As the opportunities that I have had of tracing the lines of the old timbers have been quite exceptional it may be interesting to relate the observations made and the conclusions drawn there- from as to the original construction of the building.