158 SOME NEW SECTIONS AT ILFORD into River Gravel with shells in the upper part, and overlaid by made ground. Several imperfect examples of Corbicula fluminalis and Helix nemoralis were obtained from the sand, together with an abnormal specimen of Helicella itala—a new record from Ilford. The adjacent pit showed a similar section which did not however, at that time, yield any shells, these being very irregularly distributed throughout the deposit. Since the above visit we have systematically collected from these sections and have been rewarded with several finds of great interest. The following is a complete list of the Mollusca we have obtained :— Agriolimax agrestis, Linn Vitrea crystallina, Müll. V. nitida, Müll. Arion ater, Linn. Punctum pygmaeum, Drap. Pyramidula rotundata, Müll. Eulota fruticum, Müll. Helicella itala, Linn. var. ,, caperata, Mont. Vallonia pulchella, Müll. Helix hortensis, Müll. ,, nemoralis, Linn. Pupa muscorum, Linn. Vertigo antivertigo, Drap. Clausilia laminata, Mont. C. bidentata, Strom. Cochlicopa lubrica, Müll. Carychium minimum, Müll. Succinea elegans, Risso. Ancylus fluviatilis, Müll. Limnea pereger, Müll. L. auricularia, Linn. L. palustris, Müll. L. truncatula, Müll. Planorbis marginatus, Drap. P. glaber, Jeffr. P. spirorbis, Müll. Valvata piscinalis, Müll V. cristata, Müll. Bithynia tentaculata, Linn.