162 PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS AT (3) Sandy gravel, with shingle beds, slightly stained with manganese in places ... 6ft. (4) Sand, the upper part of which was 'iron-pan' and with a continuous seam of Manganese at X in the section (Fig. 1) . . 1-2ft. (5) Layers of sand and small pebbles filling hollow in next 5ft. 6in. (6) Gravel, with lenticular patch of sand, up to ... ... 5ft. London Clay with water. Sketch Section of exposure in Pit N.W. of Wanstead Park For explanations see text. As will be seen by reference to Fig. 1, the beds numbered 5 occupy a channel which has been cut out of bed 6. The direc- tion of the axis of this channel is from west to east, a direction which is approximately coincident with that of the Thames. There can be no doubt that this ancient channel was eroded by an under-current of the Pleistocene river. In the paper before referred to 1 an account of the High Terrace Drift of Barkingside was given in which I recorded the occurrence of Bos primigenius ? or Bison priscus ? and Equus caballus.