170 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. sundry places . . . It groweth . . . in sundry places of Essex." [Linaria spuria Mill., though the figure does not much resemble that species, and L. elatina Mill.] p. 507. " Prunella. Selfe-heale . . . Prunell or Brunei hath square hairy stalks of a foot high, beset with long, hairy and sharpe pointed leaves, and at the top of the stalks grow floures thicke set together, like an eare or spiky knap, of a browne colour mixed with blew floures, and sometimes whits, of which kind I found some plants in Essex neere Henningham castle." [Prunella vulgaris L..] p. 518. " Gnaphalium marinum. Sea Cudweed . . . groweth at a place called Merezey, six miles from Colchester, neere vnto the sea side." [Diotis candidissima Desf. The first British record.] p. 568. " Lamium luteum. Yellow Archangell . . . in many . . copses about Lee in Essex. [Lamium galeobdolon Crantz. The first British record.] p. 577. " Serratula purpurea, sine alba. Saw-woort with purple, or white floures . . . in sundry places of Essex." [Serratula tinctoria L. As John- son says (Ger. em. p. 713), Gerard "out of Tabernamontanus gaue three figures, with as many descriptions of this plant, yet made it onely to vary in the colour ot the floures, being either purple, white, or red ; but he did not touch the difference which Tabernamontanus by his figures exprest," as to the incision of the leaves.] p. 587. Morsus Diaboli. Diuels bit . . . at Lee in Essex, and at Raleigh in Essex, in a wood called Hammerell, and sundrie other places . . superstitious people hold opinion, that the diuell for enuie that he beareth to mankinde bit it off, because it would be otherwise good for many vses." [Scabiosa Succisa L.] p. 646. " Digitalis alba. White Fox-gloues . . . by Colchester in Essex." [Digitalis purpurea L.] p. 659. " Cynoglossum minus folio virente. Small greene leaued Hounds- tongue . . . groweth very plentifully by the waies side as you ride Colchester highway from Londonward, betweene Esterford and Wittam in Essex." [Cynoglossum germanicum Jacq. The first British record. Messrs. Trimen and Dyer erroneously suggest that Petiver's Middlesex list in Gibson's Camden (1695) is the earliest." 22] p. 690. " Soldanella marina. Sea Binde-weed . . neere to Lee in Essex, at Mersey in the same Countie." [Calystegia soldanella R. Br.] p. 693. " Saxifraga alba. White Saxifrage . . in the greene places by the sea side at Lee in Essex, among the rushes, and in sundrie other places thereabout, and elsewhere." [Saxifraga granulata L.] p. 713. " Convolvulus minimus spicae-folius. Lauander-leafed Binde-weed . . . This Bindweed Pena saith he neuer saw but in the brinks of quicke- sets and Oliuets in Prouence, Sauoy, and Narbone; notwithstanding I found it growing in the corne fields about great Dunmow in Essex, in such abund- ance, that it doth much hurt vnto their corne. This kind of Bindweed or Volubilis is like vnto the small Bindweed before mentioned, but it hath a finer floure, plaited or folded in the compasse of the bell very orderly, especially before the Sun rise (for after it opens it selfe the welts are not so much per- 12 Flora of Middlesex, p. 189.