172 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. p. 839. Pentaphyllum rubrum palustre. Marsh Cinkfoile . . . groweth in a marrish ground adioining to the land called Bourne ponds, halfe a mile from Colchester ; from whence I brought some plants for my garden, where they flourish and prosper well. [Potentilla palustris Scop. The first precisely British record ; but this species occurs in Gerard's first Catalogue of his garden, published in 1596.] p. 896. " Peucedanum or Hogs Fennell groweth very plentifully on the South side of a wood belonging to Waltham, at the Nase in Essex by the high-way side." [Peucedanum officinale L.] No doubt Waltham is a mistake for Walton. As Gibson says [Flora, p. 139), "Although this remarkable plant has only been noticed here and in a few Kentish stations, Gerard and Ray seem to have been as well acquainted with it as ourselves." p. 954. " Asparagus sativus. Garden Sperage . . groweth wild in Essex, in a meadow adioining to a mill, beyond a village called Thorp . Likewise it groweth in great plentie neere vnto Harwich, at a place called Landamar lading." [Asparagus officinalis L. This last locality is printed "Bandamar" by Johnson. p. 966. " Asperula flore caeruleo. Blew Woodrooffe . . in many places of Essex." [Sherardia arvensis L.] p. 971. " Filix florida, sine Osmunda Regalis. Water Feme or Osmund Royall . . . vpon diuers bogges on a heath or common neere vnto Bruntwood in Essex, especially neere vnto a place there that some haue digged, to the end to finde a nest or mine of gold ; but the birds were ouer fledge, and flowne away before their wings could be clipped." [Osmunda regalis L.] p. 976. " Phyllitis multifida. Finger Harts-tongue . . I found in the garden of Master Cranwich a Chirurgion dwelling at Much-dunmow in Essex, who gaue me a plant for my garden." [Scolopendrium vulgare Symons.] p. 982. Filicula petraea faemina, sive Chamaefilix marina Anglica. The female dwarfe stone Feme . . groweth vpon the rockie cliffe neere Harwich." [Asplenium marinum L.] It is possible that this species may have existed on the Essex coast in the time of Gerard and have been lost by the wearing away of the cliffs. It is not mentioned in Gibson's Flora. p. 983. " Ruta muraria, sive Salvia vita. Wall Rue, or Rue Maiden-haire . . . Stone Rue groweth . . . vpon the Church walls of Railey in Essex." [Asplenium ruta-murarias L.] p. 1000. " Eryngium marinum. Sea Holly . . growes by the sea side vpon the baich and stony ground. I found it growing plentifully . . in Essex at Landamer lading, at Harwich, and vpon Langtree point, on the other side of the water, from whence I haue brought plants for my garden." Eryngium maritimum L.] p. 1006. " Dipsacus minor, sive Virga pastoris. Sheepheards-rod . another kinde of Teasell, being a wilde kinde therof, and accounted among these Thistles, growing higher than the rest of his kindes ; but his knobbed heads are no bigger than a Nutneg ... I found growing in moist places