HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. 177 in August, 1650, and was buried in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. His additions to the Essex list are the following :— Mentha pulegium L. (Theatrum, p. 29). Verbascum nigrum L. (p. 61). Atropa belladonna L. (p. 348). Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. (p. 425.) Stachys palustris L. Silene anglica L. Angelica sylvestris L. Lathyrus sylvestris L. ? Lomaria spicant Desv. Salix helix L. Of these records two, viz., Chrysosplenium oppositifolium and Lathyrus sylvestris, are not referred to by Gibson ; but, in his table of earliest and latest notices (Flora of Essex, p. 412), he, by a natural misunderstanding, makes Parkinson record Vinca minor, whilst the passage (Theatrum, p. 383) undoubtedly refers to Clematis vitalba. Some special interest attaches to the following records :— pp. 83-4. " Matricaria bullatis floribus aureis. Naked Featherfew. This kinde differeth not from the former, but that it hath his flowers, without any of the pale or border of white leaves about it, and therefore being naked, and without those leaves I have named it naked Featherfew . . . . grew in Essex, and was there found by a gentleman called Master William Coys." This is some abnormally rayless chamomile, perhaps Chrysanthemum parthenium Pers. p. 425. " Saxifraga aurea. Golden Saxifrage . . . at Chepstow in Essex." The figure represents Chrysosplenium oppositifolium ; but whether "Chepstow" or "Essex" be a slip it is difficult to say. p. 588. " Sideritis Anglica strumosa radice. Clownes Woundwort . . in Essex by the ditch sides, and on the ditches sides on the left hand of the high way beyond Stratford Bow." This plant, Stachys palustris, named Clown's Woundwort by Gerard, is one of those species delightfully idealised by Mr. Walter Crane in his Floral Fantasy. pp. 638-640. " Lychnis arvensis minor Anglica. The small white field Campion . . . groweth in divers grounds by Colchester in Essex, and in a field called the Millfield, behind the house of Sr. Thomas Lucees neare Colchester." Silene anglica is still mainly confined to the north-east of the county.