NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 203 METEOROLOGY. Rainfall and Temperature in Essex in 1899.—As usual, annually we now present records from some observers in Essex for the past year. Records for 1898 will be found in E.N., vol. x., pp. 413-416 :— Ramsey, near Harwich.—Miss K. Hempson, Hill House, Ramsey (about 31/2 miles west of Harwich) again kindly gives the rain measurements for her station, which may be compared with those for 1898 printed in E.N., vol. x., p. 415. The gauge is 5 inches in diameter, 6 inches from ground, and 150 feet above sea level. Lexden, near Colchester.—Mr. S. F. Hurnard again records as follows the monthly totals for rainfall at Lexden. "They were as before measured by a 5-inch. Snowden Guage. I add also a brief note on the general weather of each month." On three days the rainfall exceeded 1 inch, viz., July 23, fall of 1.50; Sept. 29th, fall of 1.25 ; and Nov. 3rd, fall of 1.14. There were three periods exceeding 14 days of absolute drought, viz., Feb. 19th to March 7th, 17 days ; May 25th to June 17th, 24 days ; July 27th to August 14th, 19 days. Also periods of 19 days and 20 days in October and November, broken by falls of .05 and .02 respectively.