213 THE POST-PLIOCENE NON-MARINE MOL- LUSCA OF ILFORD, ESSEX. By A. S. KENNARD and B. B. WOODWARD, F.L.S., F.G.S. IN 1897 the Non-Marine Mollusca from the Pleistocene deposits at Ilford were described by us in the Essex Naturalist.1 Since then Mr. Martin A. C. Hinton has collected extensively in the Cauliflower Pit and his specimens were placed at our service. All the old collections were made in the Uphall Pit, where the shells were abundant, but in the Cauliflower Pit they are scarce, and it is by no means uncommon for a diligent search to yield only two or three specimens. As we noticed in our previous paper, Dr. Corner's examples were also obtained from this latter pit, and from these two collections we are now able to list thirty-four species from this pit, viz. :— Vitrea nitida (Müll.) ,, nitidula (Drap.) Vallonia pulchella (Müll.) Hygromia hispida (Linn.) Helicigona arbustorum (Linn.) Helix nemoralis (Linn.) Helicella virgata (Da Costa) ,, caperata (Mont.) Pupa cylindracea (Da Costa) ,, muscorum (Linn.) Vertigo antivertigo (Drap.) Succinea putris (Linn.) ,, elegans Risso Limnaea pereger (Mali.) ,, palustris (Müll.) ,, truncatula (Müll.) ,, stagnalis (Linn.) ,, glabra (Müll.) Planorbis glaber (Jeff.) ,, carinatus (Müll.) ,, marginatus (Drap.) ,, vortex (Linn.) ,, spirorbis (Linn.) ,, contortus (Linn.) lineatus (Walk.) 1 "The Post-Pleistocene Non-Marine Mollusca of Essex.' By A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, F.L.S. Essex Naturalist, vol. x., pp. 103-5.