THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA OF THE WALTON CRAG. 217 2. Hygromia incarnata. (Müll.) Helix incarnata, R. Bell: "Land Shells in the Red Crag." Geol. Mag., 1884, vol. i., p. 262. The unique example of this species from the Walton Crag is now in the British Museum (Natural History), and was obtained in 1882 by the late Mr. Groom (alias Groom-Napier, the soi-disant "Prince of Mantua"). It is by no means a perfect example, but no doubt can be entertained of the determination. On the Continent the only fossil record of this species is from the middle Pleistocene of Cannstadt. 3. Helicodonta lens. (Fer.) Helix lens, Fer.; R. Bell, op. cit., p. 262. A single example of this species is stated by Mr. Bell to have been found at Walton by Mr. Larcher, of King's College, in 1881, and to have been identified by Dr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys and Mr. J. H. Ponsonby, but we have failed to trace the specimen. It is quite unknown in a fossil state on the Continent. 4. Helix lactea. (Müll.) A fine example of this species is in the Robert Bell Collec- tion in the British Museum (National History), and is without doubt the specimen found in 1883 at Walton by Mr. Bell, and recorded by him in the following year." A fragment of another example is said to have been found at the same time, but this we have failed to trace. This form is unrecorded in a fossil state on the Continent. 5. Paludestrina stagnalis. (Bast.) Paludestrina ulvae, Penn.: S. V. Wood, Crag Moll., vol. i., p. 109, and Suppt. i., p. 71, pl. iv., fig. 23, as Hydrobia ulvae ; Hydrobia ulvae, Penn. : J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii. (1871), p. 490. This species is recorded from Walton by Mr. A. Bell. We have not seen any examples, but there is no inherent impossi- bility in the record, since it occurs in the Lower Pliocene (Congeria) Beds) at Mauer, near Vienna, and Bizenz, in Moravia. 6. Paludestrina ventrosa. (Mont.) Paludestrina subumbilicata, Mont. : S. V. Wood, Crag Moll., vol. i.. p. 108, pl. xi., fig. 2; Hydrobia ventrosa, Mont.: J. Gwynn Jeffreys, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii. (1871), p. 490. 2 R. Bell.—"Land Shells In the Red Crag." Geol. Mag., 1884, p. 264.