MUSEUM NOTES. 225 IV—PLEISTOCENE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA FROM CLACTON-ON-SEA, ESSEX. By Wilfred Mark Wbbb, F.L.S., Memb. Malac. Soc. In the Essex Naturalist some years ago1 the present writer dealt with a number of Pleistocene shells from a locality presumed to be some miles from Walton-on-Naze2 and found by the late John Brown, F.G.S., of Stanway. More recently3 it had to be admitted that this locality was one and the same with Clacton, whence Brown also described shells of like age. The first mentioned specimens being in the possession of the Essex Field Club, a list was given in detail. Since then however, the presentation of further specimens as noted below, and the alteration in the locality, has rendered it advisable that a corrected list should be made out. The present Note further verifies one or two records of the older writers upon whose authority, up to the present time, they solely rested, as none of the species in question could be traced. The specimens marked "J.W.K." form part of the small collection of Pleistocene remains from Clacton, presented to the Club by the Rev. J. W. Kenworthy, (see Essex Nat. vol. x. p. 406) and those marked "W.H.D." formed part of the collection of Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., recently presented to the Club, [both of which collections will be more fully described in a future "Museum Note."—Ed.] The specimens without initials formed part of the original "John Brown Collection." GASTROPODA. PULMONATA. Stylommatophora. Family—Limacidae. Vitrea nitida, Müller, J. W. K. This shell is given by Messrs. Kennard and Woodward (E.N. vol. x. in the table in the paper above cited) on the authority of Mr. S. V. Wood. Pyramidula ruderata, Stud. W.H.D. Pyramidula rotundata, Müller. J.W.K. Family—Helicidae. Helicella caperata, Montagu. Hygromia hispida, L. W.H.D. 1 E. N. vol. VIII. (1894) pp. 160-162. 2 Essex Herald, August 1st, 1843. 3 W. M. Webb, "The Non-Marine Mollusca of Essex," Essex Nat. vol. x.. p. 27; also A. S. Kennard, and B. B. Woodward (with contributions by W. M. Webb), "The Post- Pliocene Non-Marine Mollusca of Essex," E.N. vol. x. p. 9.