MUSEUM NOTES. 227 PELECYPODA. EULAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Family—Unionidae. Unio littoralis, Lamark. Anodonta cygnaea, Linné. W. H. D. Family—Cyrenidae. Corbicula fluminalis, Müller. J. W. K. This shell is given by Messrs. Kennard and Woodward on the authority of the late Searles V. Wood. Sphaerium corneum, Linné. J. W. K. Pisidium amnicum, Müller. Pisidium astartoides, Sandberger. Much additional information with regard to some of the above named species will be found in my former Note, and in the other papers alluded to above. V.—PLEISTOCENE SHELLS FROM COPFORD, ESSEX. By Wilfred Mark Webb, F.L.S. No list exists of the shells from this historic locality which are in the possession of the Club, and the writer has thought it of interest to compile the following, which indicates from what collections the specimens had been derived. The most recent additions are due to the kindness of Mr. Dalton, F.G.S., who has presented the specimens obtained by the late John Brown, which formed part of his own collection. These are marked with his initials (W. H. D.), in addition to the letters J. B., which indicate the original collection of the late John Brown. GASTROPODA. PULMONATA. Stylommatophora. Family—Limacidae. Vitrea crystallina, Müller. J. B. Coll. (W.H.D.). Vitrea cellaria, Müller. J. B. Coll. Vitrea nitidula, Draparnaud. W. Whitaker Coll. Vitrea radiatula, Alder. J. B. Coll. Vitrea nitida, Müller. J. B. Coll. Vitrea fulva, Müller. W. Whitaker Coll. Family—Endodontidae. Pyramidula rotundata, Müller. J. B. Coll.