230 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. p. 28. " Clematis Baetica, By Waltham Abby. The Spanish Travailers Joy." [Probably merely an escape.] p. 31. " Convolvulus minimus spicae folius, Ger.," from Great Dunmow, as previously recorded by Gerard. p. 32. " Crithmum spinosum, Matth. pastinaca marina quibusd. Thorny Sampire, by Lee in Essex." [On this record of the now extinct Echinophora spinosa L., Merret remarks,40 " ut Ph. 'tis not found there, but below Feversham.''] p. 73. " Matricaria flore bullata aurea," as previously noticed by Coys. p. 94, " Pisa marina Anglica. . . In Essexia e regione Kantü praten- sibus editioribus hoc Pisi syl. genus multo majus reperi." [Professedly transcribed from Lobel's manuscript marginalia to his own "Historia Plantarum Teutonica," i.e., probably the Kruydtboech of 1581.] p. 95. " Plantago aquatica minor stellata, Damasomum stellatum, Lugd." [Damasonium Alisma Miller, as in Ger. em. 418.] And p. 129. " Viola Lunaria, Viola latifolia, Dod. Clus. Ger. Bolbonac vulgatissima White Satten : About Horne-Church in Essex." [Lunaria biennis L., as in Gerard, p. 377.] Enough has already been said as to How's publication of Lobel's Illustrationes in order to attack Parkinson, whilst the above shows that he is not to be credited with any new Essex records.41 In chronological succession the next work containing Essex records is Robert Turner's Botanologia, published in 1664. But little is known about this writer. He was born at Holshott and educated at the university of Cambridge.42 and between 1654 and 1664 published nine works, mostly astrological. Portraits of him are prefixed to some of his works, and he describes himself as "Botanologise Studiosus." The title of his herbal is Botanologia. The Brittish Physician; or, The Nature and Verities of English Plants; exactly describing such as grow naturally in the land, with their several names, Greek, Latin, or English; natures, places where they flourish, and are most proper to be gathered ; their degrees of temperature, applications, and vertues, physical and astrological uses treated of. 40 " Pinax," p. 31. 41 For some further particulars as to How see Pulteney, Sketches, i., pp. 169-174 and Dict. Nat. Biog. xxviii., 102. 42 Was he the Robert Turner who graduated from St. Catherine's College as B.A. in 1661? See Luard, Graduati Cantabrigienses.