THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 261 Barlaeea cinnabarina, Sacc. On the ground among moss. Eurotium habariorum, Link. On rotten leaves. Eutypa flavo-virescens, Tul. On the bark of hornbeam. Diatrypa stigma, Fries. On hornbeam bark. Tubercularia vulgaris, Tode. On fallen branches of beach. At about 6 o'clock the ramble terminated at the "King's Oak" Hotel, High Beach, where tea had been provided. An Ordinary Meeting of the Club (the 194th) was held for the election of New Members, Mr. D. Howard, President, in the Chair. The following were elected Members ;—Messrs. W. H. Baddeley, A. E. Briscoe, B.Sc., &c., Henry Hills, B.A., B.Sc., E.J. Lewis, F.E.S., Walter Robins, B.Sc., &c., F. G. Sinclair, M.A., F.L.S., and Robert Swaby, Barrister-at-Law. Mr. Howard expressed the pleasure of the Members of the Essex Field Club at the company of the Croydon Natural History Society, and congratu- lated those present on the fine afternoon, and the very large attendance at the meeting. Mr. N. F. Robarts, F.G.S., replied on behalf of the Croydon Natural History Society. Mr. Massee gave a short address on the study of the Minute Forms of Fungi, and alluded to the great importance of the subject, in view of the very serious injuries occasioned to field and garden crops by fungoid parasites. He offered to do all in his power to assist any Members intending to take up the study of this great group of plants in an intelligent and serious manner. Mr. W. Cole exhibited three specimens of Vivipara clactonensis, S. Wood, of which species five specimens had been detected by Mr. W. M. Webb in a small set of Pleistocene shells collected by the Rev. J. W. Kenworthy, at Clacton, Essex, and presented by him to the Club. Previously only two specimens were known, which were in the Woodwardian Museum at Cam- bridge. Of the five specimens presented by Mr. Kenworthy, two had been placed in the British Museum, and the three exhibited would be added to the collection of Pleistocene Mollusca in the Club's County Museum at Stratford Mr. Cole also exhibited on behalf of Mr. Edwin E. Turner, of Coggeshall, two species of Micro-Fungi new to the Essex list, viz. : Puccinia betonicae from Great Totham, and Aecidium leucospermum from Witham. Mr. Turner had kindly presented these specimens to the herbarium of the Club. After the meeting, the large party broke up into detachments, and rambled home through the forest to Loughton, Chingford, and Buckhurst Hill. VISIT TO CANVEY ISLAND, AND 195th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, June 30th, 1900. In July last year, the Club visited Foulness Island, and the meeting was much appreciated ; the present meeting was intended to afford members an opportunity of seeing another of these alluvial districts of Essex which have been rescued from the waste of the sea by the skill of man. As a walk across