THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 263 " Mr. Whittaker remarks that it is difficult to make out the subdivisions of the Lower London Tertiary rocks. However, the chief point of interest is the fact that between Cliffe and Thames Haven, a distance of three miles, the top of the Chalk instead of being 30 or 40 ft. above the surface of the marsh, has descended to a depth of 268 ft. 6in. below it. To this northerly dip of the Chalk we doubtless owe the great development of marsh east of Cliffe and East Tilbury as compared with that visible between East Tilbury and Purfleet, where the Chalk is above O.D. on both sides of the river. The Thames has eroded away the soft Tertiary and later beds more easily than the harder Chalk, and has left the marshes and old channels of Canvey Island, and those nearer Corringham, Fobbing, and Pitsea, as records of its course in times prehistoric, though geologically recent." From Hole Haven the party turned inland and walked across Canvey to South Benfleet. The prospect of the high grounds of Benfleet and Leigh was much admired. There are but few trees on the island, and the hedges are low and largely formed of blackthorn. During a walk taken through the island by the Secretaries a few weeks earlier, an astonishing number of "nests" of the gregarious larvae Cliosiocampa lanestris and C. neustria were observed. On the day of the meeting many of the nests were deserted, but they were still greatly in evidence. Amid the long grass on some of the banks, solitary specimens of the Grass Vetch (Lathyrus nissolia) were observed. At Benfleet tea was taken at the "Hoy" inn, and afterwards an Ordinary Meeting (the 195th) was held, Mr. G. E. Vaughan, Member of the Council in the chair. The following were elected members of the Club—Miss Kate M. Hall, Mr. W.J. Hiam, Mrs. Hiam, and Mrs. S. Scott. The only other business was the nomination of Officers and Members of Council preparatory to the Annual Meeting, which had been postponed as indicated at a previous meeting. The following Members of Council retired under the Rules, but offered themselves for re-election ;—Messrs. Andrew Johnston, J P,; J. Spiller, F.C.S.,F.I.C. ; F. H. Varley, F.R.A.S., &c., and J. C. Shenstone. There were two vacancies by the resignation of Mr. J. H. Porter and the much regretted death of Mr. T. Hay Wilson. The Secretary, on behalf of the Council, nominated Messrs. Johnston, J. Spiller, F. H. Varley, and J. C. Shenstone to fill the vacant seats, and also Mr. A. Lockyer (on vacating the office of Librarian) to fill the seat vacated by Mr. Porter.