264 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Mr. Cole also, as a Member, proposed Mr. F. W. Reader to fill the seat vacant by the death of Mr. Wilson. This proposal was seconded by Mr. Vaughan. No other nominations had reached the Secretary, nor any being made at the present meeting, the above-named gentlemen will stand elected at the Annual Meeting. On behalf of the Council the Secretary nominated the following Members as Officers:—President, Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S.; Treasurer, Mr.W. C. Waller, M.A., F.S.A.; Secretaries, Messrs. W. Cole and B. G. Cole; Librarians, Mr. W. C. Waller and . . . No proposal was made of any Member to take the post of Second Librarian. No other nominations having been made, these gentlemen will stand elected as Officers of the Club at the Annual Meeting. At the close of the meeting most of those present returned to Southend by train and so home. [This meeting had originally been fixed for June 23rd, but was postponed for the reasons stated on a second Circular sent out to the members—the first postponement of a meeting during the life of the Club, a period of over 20 years ! ] A VISIT TO THE WITHAM AND TIPTREE HEATH DISTRICTS. Monday, July o,th, 1900. A whole-day meeting was held with a view to botanical observation and to visit, by special invitation of the proprietors, the celebrated Fruit Farm at Tiptree Heath. The party met at Witham about half-past ten, the place of rendezvous being the "Spread Eagle" Hotel. To fill up the time before luncheon, some members joined in a ramble through fields and bye-ways, under the direction of Mr. Edwin E. Turner, who kindly acted as botanical leader throughout the day. Others visited the parish church, the principal features of which were pointed out by the Vicar, the Rev. Canon Ingles. As the meeting was wholly devoted to botany, it may be interesting to give lists of the species of plants observed, which will afford a good idea of the flora of Mid-Essex to be seen on a fine day in July. During the morning ramble around Witham, the following plants were noted :— Clematis vitalba Specularia hybrida Bryonia dioica Alisma plantago Euphorbia esula Cochlearia armoracia „ exigua Poa compressa Reseda lutea Phalaris arundinacea Fumaria officinalis Aenanthe phellandrium Salvia verbenacea Parietaria officinalis Allium vineale Rosa rubiginosa, Galium verum Silybum marianum Verbena officinalis Onopordon acanthium Epilobium parviflorum