BIRCH TREES IN EPPING FOREST AND ELSEWHERE. 277 others. Sections, longitudinal and transverse, have been made of the roots, stems, and branches. Between the bark and wood at the base of the stem of the dead specimen, there is a small quantity of felt, formed of the hyphal threads of a Basidiomycete These threads have developed in a damp atmosphere, and show the characteristic clamp connections so common in that Sub- Class ; but the most striking feature of the specimens is the Fig. 3. Tree No. 3. Completely dead. Lord's Bushes. 23rd June, 1900. almost entire absence of the hyphae of Agarics or Polypori. The wood of the branches, as they decay, exhibits a dark brown coloration and where the branch is attacked on one side only, which is of1,en the case, the contrast with the wood on the other side is very marked. See figs. 4 and 5. The specimen exhibiting a forked branch, Fig. 6, one side of which is badly attacked and the other only slightly so, is a