278 AN INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES OF THE DEATH OF striking example of this difference of colour, It also shows how far the disease has travelled below the fork. Some of the microscope sections show a dark coloured substance in the cells of the medullary rays and also in the wood ducts. In the bark of the specimens with dark-coloured wood, a micro-fungus is always present : and if the wood is discoloured on one side only, the fungus is always on the discoloured side, while the bark on Figs. 4 and 5. Sections of a branch showing discoloured, diseased wood and broken bark. the other side is quite normal. On the branches of all the trees that I have examined, the fungus known as Melanconis stilbostoma, Tul., has been found. There appears little on the face of this, for the fungus has long been known to be quite common on dead branches of Betula alba. Between the cortex and wood of the