296 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Mr. Martin A. C. Hinton exhibited Palaeolithic implements from the High Terrace Drift at Milton Street, Swanscombe, Kent, and from similar deposits at Grays Thurrock and Wanstead, Essex. Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., remarked upon some of the Vertebrate fossils from Walton-Naze and elsewhere, which would ultimately be shown in the geological series in the Club's Museum. The following paper was read by the authors, Messrs. Martin A. C. Hinton and A. S. Kennard :— " Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Thames Valley. I. The Grays Thurrock Area, Pt. 1." The paper was illustrated by drawings of the sections and by specimens. Considerable discussion on some points in the paper was carried on by the Chairman (Mr. Whitaker), Mr. Johnson, and the Authors, and a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Messrs. Hinton and Kennard for the paper, which will appear in the Essex Naturalist. Tea was served in the Refreshment Room of the Institute at the close of the meeting. Many members took advantage of the opportunity of the meet- ing to inspect the Museum, which had been open every day (excepting Wed- nesday mornings) since Monday, October 20th. THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND 198TH ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, November 24TH, 1900. The 20th Annual Meeting (which was postponed at the Special Meeting on March 31st, for reasons then given) was held at 5.30 p.m. in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, Mr. David Howard, President, in the chair. The minutes of the 19th Annual Meeting held on March 25th, 1899, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, vol. xi., pp. 29-30, were read and confirmed. The Treasurer, Mr. W. C. Waller, read the summary of the Treasurer's Statement of Accounts for 1899, duly signed by the Auditors, Messrs. Walter Crouch and J. D. Cooper. The Report of the Council for the year 1899 was read by the Secretary. He said said that a certain awkwardness attached to the Report, inas- much as it related only to the year 1899, and so much had happened with respect to the museums, &c., during the current year. These last matters would, of course, be reported upon at the next Annual Meeting in March, 1901. The Statement of Accounts and the Report were received and adopted. They are printed in the present part of the Essex Naturalist.