NOTES ON THE ARACHNIDA OF EPPING FOREST. 317 In the following list the initial "S" indicates the species for which Mr. F. P. Smith is responsible, and "P-C" my own records. Family—Dysderidae. Harpactes hombergii (Scop.) Under bark (S.) Segestria senoculata (L.) Under bark (S.) Family—Clubionidae. Clubiona pallidula (Clerck). Herbage (S.) Anyphaena accentuata (Walck.) Bushes (S.) Agroeca brunnea (Blackw.) A female and egg-cocoon (S.) Family—Thomisidae. Philodromus aureolus (Clerck). Common (S.) Family—Salticidae. Ballus depressus (Walck.) Loughton (S.) Family—Lycosidae. Lycosa accentuata, Latreille (P-C). L. ruricola (De Geer). Under stones (S.) Pirata piraticus (Clerck). Swamps, Loughton (S). Family—Agelenidae. Tegenaria parietina (Fourcroy). Outhouses (S.) T. atrica (C. L. Koch). Hollow trees and outhouses (S.) Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck.) Ponds near Whipps Cross, Walthamstow (S.) Circurina circurea (Fabr.) Under loose bark (S.) Family—Dictynidae. Amaurobius ferox (Walck.) Snaresbrook (P.C.) A. similis (Blackw). Outhouses at the "King's Oak," High Beach (P-C). Dictyna uncinata, Thorell (S.) Family—Theridiidae. Theridion tepidariorum (C. L. Koch), Paul's Nurseries, High Beach (S.) T. denticulatum (Walck.) Epping Forest (P-C).