318 NOTES ON THE ARACHNIDA OF EPPING FOREST. Family—Argiopidae. Tiso vagans (Blackw.) Among debris in a dried up ponds. Gonatium rubens (Blackw.) Beaten from bushes, abun- dant (S.) Trachygnatha dentata (Wid.) Very common on the reeds by the side of the Grotto, Wanstead Park (S.) Erigone dentipalpis (Wid.) A male near Loughton (S). E. atra (Blackw.) Snaresbrook (P-C). Hilaira uncata (O. P-Camb.) A male of this rare species was found in a half dried-up swamp at Lough- ton (S.) Microneta viaria (Blackw.) Epping Forest (S.) Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackw.) Several males amongst grass (S.) Lepthyphantes nebulosus (Sund.) Snaresbrook (P.C.) L. minutus (Blackw.) Under loose bark, males and females (S.) Labulla thoracica (Wid.) A female at High Beach (S.) Floronia bucculenta (Clerck.) High Beach (S.) Pachygnatha degeerii (Sund.) Abundant, males and females (S.) P. clerckii (Sund.) Common ; mostly females (S ) Zilla x-notata (Clerck.) On walls and fences (S.) Z. atrica (C. L. Koch.) Not common. (S. and P-C). Araneus umbraticus (Blackw.) Under bark. One female (S.) A. patagiatus (Clerck.) Males and females (S.) Cyclosa conica (Pallas.) Snaresbrook (P-C.) Order—OPILIONES. Nemastoma lugubre, Müller (P-C.) Phalangium saxatile, C. L. Koch (P-C.) Opilio agrestis, Meade (P-C.)