342 PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF THE THAMES VALLEY. False bedded material here and there occurs and traces of slight contemporaneous erosion in the form of little filled up channels are sometimes exhibited by the sections. We have obtained many boulders of Wealden or Purbeck ironstone with Cyprides from the gravels in this pit, also a boulder of basaltic rock, and some pebbles of "schorl-rock." Large sarsens, which may be seen in situ in the Thanet Sand of the district, likewise occur, some of them weighing many hundredweights. In this pit many of the seams of gravel and sand are stained with a hydrous dioxide of manganese, the staining following the dip of the false bedding, and hence proving that the manganese owes its present position to contemporaneous fluviatile deposi- tion (70). (b.) A little to the east of Chalk Pit Farm, at the fork of the two roads, an old gravel pit shows a few feet of gravel similar to that of Sockett's Heath. (c.) Hangman's Wood. Gravel is exposed here in an old pit at the entrance to the wood. The junction with the Thanet Sand is seen in the shafts of the "Deneholes." (d.) About a third of a mile from the north-eastern extremity of Hangman's Wood by the side of the road leading to Orsett, an old gravel pit shows about seven feet of gravel and sand from which we have obtained implements, IV. MIDDLE TERRACE DRIFT. The Middle Terrace Drift of the Grays Thurrock area is found extending in a long narrow strip of brickearth, sand and gravel, commencing near High House on the west, passing through West Thurrock and Grays Thurrock, and ending off to the east of Little Thurrock. The continuity of this band of Drift is broken for a short distance to the west of Grays, by a deflection in the northern boundary line of the Holocene alluvium which here cuts inland as far as the Chalk outcrop. Thus the Drift is divided into two portions—a western and an eastern. The western tract, with which we shall first deal, has a total length of about three miles. Numerous sections are afforded by the cuttings for the tramways of the various chalk quarries between Grays and Purfleet,