PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF THE THAMES VALLEY. 345 that the residue is as productive as any of the famous parts that are gone we hope to show in the sequel. Orsett Road Section (Fig. 1). On the right hand side of the Orsett Road, between Grays and Little Thurrock, is situate what is probably the most interesting and important section of the Middle Terrace brickearths exposed in this district. Its interest lies in the fact of its being, perhaps, the last section of the famous fossiliferous beds of Grays that will ever be seen. Its importance lies in the great advance in our knowledge of the Pleistocene fauna of the Thames Valley which it has yielded to our researches. The section was first discovered by one of us in company with Dr. F. Corner, F.G.S., in April, 1899, and since that date we have systematically studied it and its fossil contents. The following beds were exposed :— Fig. 1. Section in Pit at Orsett Road, Grays. (For explanation see text).