PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF THE THAMES VALLEY. 353 Fishes from the Pleistocene of Grays Thurrock. Acerina vulgaris ? Cuvier. Esox lucius, Linn. Leuciscus rutilus, Linn. ,, vulgaris, Flem. ,, erythrophthalmus ? Linn. Anguilla ? anguilla ? Linn. All these fishes are characteristically freshwater species which are living at the present day in the rivers and lakes of England and Europe. MOLLUSCA. In 1897 after a careful examination of all existent material and a revision of the previously published lists, Mr. B. B. Woodward and one of us were able to list 49 species from the Middle Terrace, but of these no less than 18 were unrepresented in any collection, whilst several other records were rejected for various reasons. Of these rejected species only one has rewarded our researches, viz., Clausilia biplicata, first recorded by S. V. Wood. There can be but little doubt that the record of Balea perversa is an error, as already suggested by the same writer, for numerous tops of Clausilia have been found. We are now able to verify seven records hitherto unrepresented by extant specimens. The remaining unverified records are left for what they are worth, and of these no less than nine are on the authority of S. V. Wood. This collection is now in the Norwich Museum, and it has been examined by one of us, and these species are not to be found there. They are all known from other Pleistocene deposits so that there is no inherent improba- bility in their occurrence, but we venture to think that no reliance can be placed on them. We have found forty-five species, of which ten are new records. There are four species known from Grays which we failed to find, whilst twelve recorded forms are still absent. Agriolimax agrestis, Linn. This form is represented by numerous examples not only in our collection but also in the Natural History Museum. These latter examples were collected by Mr. Pickering and presented by him to the Geologists