PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF THE THAMES VALLEY. 355 Helix nemoralis, Linn. Two imperfect examples and numerous fragments. Helicella virgata, Da Cost. Four examples. The occurrence of this species is of great interest, as hitherto it is only represented from the Pleistocene of the Thames Valley by a single example found at Ilford by Dr. Frank Corner, and now in the Natural History Museum. Elsewhere it was common at Barnwell, and it has been found in several rainwashes of uncer- tain age, probably very modern, if not post-Roman. Helicella itala, Linn. Not found by us, but a single example was found by W. J. Lewis Abbott, F.G.S., in the pit belonging to the Tunnel Cement Works Company. It differs markedly from typical examples of this species, but it can only be considered a variety. Several examples of this variety have lately been obtained from Ilford by J. P. Johnson and G. White (see Essex Nat., vol. xi., p. 159). Helicella caperata, Mont. Three examples of this abundant Pleistocene shell. Cochlicopa lubrica, Müll. One perfect and two broken specimens. Pupa muscorum, Linn. Not common. This is note- worthy as it is usually one of the most abundant land shells in Pleistocene deposits. Vertigo antivertigo, Drap. Five examples. This species was recorded by S. V. Wood, but hitherto no examples were known. Vertigo substriata, Jeff. Recorded by A, Tylor on the authority of A. Bell. Vertigo pusilla, Müll. Recorded by S. V. Wood. Clausilia laminata. Mont. Several fragments. It has hitherto been unrecorded from Grays. It is known from the Pleistocene of Ilford, Clacton, Copford and Ightham, whilst it is abundant in many Holocene beds. Clausilia biplicata, Mont. Several imperfect examples. Though originally listed by S. V. Wood this record has hitherto been rejected since the species was unknown in a fossil state in this country (there being no examples of it in the Wood