PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF THE THAMES VALLEY. 359 OSTRACODA. The first account of the Ostracoda occurring in the Pleistocene deposits of Grays was given by Prof. T. Rupert Jones in 1850. (8a) They were subsequently described in the Memoirs of the Palaeontographical Society and the following species are recorded. Cypris browniana, var. tumidus, Jones. Illocypris gibba, Rahmdohr. Cyprideis torosa, Jones. Potamocypris trigonalis, var. laevis, Jones. Herpetocypris reptans, Baird. Candona candida, Müll. For descriptions and notes of these specimens we must refer the reader to the memoirs above cited. PLANTAE. For our knowledge of the Pleistocene Flora of Grays we are indebted to the labours of Mr. Clement Reid, F.R.S. His determinations are based upon specimens in the collection of the late Sir Joseph Prestwich, which specimens had previously been partly identified by Prof. Oswald Heer. The species listed by Mr. Reid in his paper are (67a) Ranunculus repens, Linné. Rubus fruticosus, Linné. Rosa canina, Linné. Hedera helix, Linné. Ulmus ? Alnus glutinosa, Gart. Quercus robur, Linné, var. sessiliflora. Corylus avellana ? Linné. Populus cf canescens. Salix, sp. Potamogeton. Cyperus ? Phragmites ? Grass nodes. Equisetum. Mr. Reid says of these species, "The plants occur asso- ciated with, or below the remains of Mammoth and Corbicula fluminalis. They point distinctly to a temperate climate and